When you're gone...

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A/N: This might be very heavy on the language and a lot of angst. 

"I promise, I will come back," he said.

"You made a promise. What utter bullshit." I grabbed the glass I was drinking from and poured in some more wine. 

I took a small swig from the glass and looked at the surroundings around me. The sun was setting. It was a warm night and there were couples walking all over the place. I spat on the balcony and looked at them. 

"Look at all of them. They're all so happy, but one day, the man is going to leave and will break the woman's heart. It always happens," I said and took a longer drink this time.

I finished and set the glass down. I looked at the bottle and took a long drink from that. I sighed, wiped my mouth, and then stumbled inside. I set the bottle on the counter and put the cork back in. I stumbled towards my room, but there was a knock on the door. I walked over to it and opened it up to see Deku.

"What's up, Deku?" I slurred a bit.

"Momo called and asked me to check up on you."

"As you can see," I backed away from the door, almost falling over, and spread out my arms. "I'm doing perfectly fucking fine!"

"Y/N, how many glasses of wine did you have recently?"

"None of your damn business, Deku. Why don't you just go back to being a fucking hero?"

He sighed. He knew I was drunk and tried not to take it personally. "Y/N, you need to drink some water or get some rest. You're not in your right state of mind."

"Bullshit!" I yelled at him.

"Quiet down! You don't want to get another complaint about your noise level."

"Fuck them!" I said. "They can give me all the fucking complaints they want!"

"Y/N," Deku said.

"Get the hell out of here, Deku. You're wasting my precious time."

Deku sighed once more, "Alright. See you later, Y/N."

I slammed the door and locked it. I slowly walked over to my room and sat down on the bed. I had a major headache now. I pressed my palm against my forehead and shook it slightly. I looked over at this framed photo that was sitting next to the bed. I picked it up and examined it. It was a photo of myself and Overhaul. It was a few months after he got his hero license. He had a huge smile on his face for his first call to join the heroes. I smiled at it, but then immediately threw it at a wall. The glass shattered and it fell to the floor.

"Fuck!" I yelled as I walked over to clean up the glass. 

As I was cleaning it up, I got cut on a few shards. I threw the shards away and went to go clean my hands. The water stung like hell, but it triggered a memory. It was a few hours after we finished doing hero together and my hands were bloody. Overhaul's were bloody as well and we both washed our hands. When we were done, we flicked the excess water at each other. I had gotten lost in the memory to realize my hands were burning from the hot water. I instantly removed them from the water and saw how red they were.

"Double fuck!" I said. I dried my hands and walked over to my bed. I flopped onto it and looked at the ceiling. I remember when we would lay here, stare at the ceiling for hours, and he would hold me in his arms.

"Shit. I can't think of that fucking dumb ass right now." I sat up and sighed. "What the hell am I talking about? He's all I've been thinking about." I pulled out my phone and looked at the news. There was nothing recent about him. He was out on patrol five months ago and never came back. I remembered the conversation before he left.

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