Chapter 33

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I said goodbye to Endeavor and walked into my apartment building. I took the stairs and headed up towards my apartment. I unlocked the door and walked in. I rested on the couch before heading over to my room. I looked at the table beside it, which had my clock, a light, and Overhaul's glove. I picked it up and saw how dirty it was. Since he probably lost the other one back in the underground area, I decided that before I head over to see him tomorrow, I would get him a new pair of gloves. I set it down and got ready for bed.

In the morning, I headed over to the train station. I waited a bit for the train to come. All Might walked over to me and sat down.

"Endeavor told me everything that happened last night," he said.

"He did?"

He nodded his head, "We were both there to look after you, Y/N. We're both like your fathers. Well, more of a father figure. Anyway, I was a bit nervous when he was telling me all of this, but as soon as he said that you had a plan to get yourselves out of there, it made me think on how young you were when you wanted to become a hero. You grew up with the goal in mind. And here you are, one of the pro heroes and you're doing a great job. I was glad that I knew your father and I am glad to have been a part of your childhood growing up. Endeavor and I are happy that we got a chance to raise such a strong, independent young lady. I'm not just saying that because we practically raised you. I'm saying that from my heart. And you know it goes the same for young Midoryia. You two I had practically raised. And now look at both of you. You're both excelling at becoming heroes."

I smiled at him and wiped my eyes, "Thank you, All Might."

He smiled and hugged me. I hugged him. The train came and we both got on. He was going to check in on Overhaul as well. He went over to the hospital while I went to go find him a new pair of gloves. When I was finished, I walked over to the hospital and towards Overhaul's room. I walked in and saw All Might was talking to him. Even if I couldn't see it through his mask, Overhaul had a small smile on his face. I walked in and sat next to All Might.

"Y/N," Overhaul said.

"How are you feeling, Overhaul?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I'm alright. They had to clean out the cuts since they were infected. That took forever. That was really it. They're healing fairly quick."

"Where did they cut you?"

"Across my chest, along my arms, and my stomach. And a little bit on my head."

I looked at the cuts that were along his arms, "I'm sorry that happened to you."

"It's alright."

"No it's not. I should of known that you weren't too far from my mother's house. I should of known that they were hurting you in some way. I should of come sooner."

"Y/N, don't think of it that way. You found me and you were in time as well. Sure the League did a number on me, but you were able to find me and you were able to rescue me. You did the best you could of done and look at me. I'm still in one piece."

"Yeah," I said.

"Don't put so much on yourself, Y/N," All Might said. "Overhaul is right. You shouldn't put so much on yourself when you're saving him."

I looked into his golden eyes. I smiled at him and I could tell he was smiling back, "I just love him so much."

"I can tell," All Might smiled at me. "You would do anything to make sure he's safe and he would do anything to make sure you're safe. You both look after one another and that is what I like about that! One doesn't feel the need to look after the other. You both protect one another."


We talked for a bit before All Might left.

"Wait, how's Eri?" Overhaul asked.

He turned around and smiled at us, "She's doing very well. She has gotten better control of her quirk. Aizawa said that within a few weeks she should have better control of her quirk. She's anxious to see you two again. She has really gotten to like you, Overhaul. Which I think is good that she sees you differently now."

All Might walked out of the room and it was now just me and Overhaul. I pulled the gloves out from my pocket and handed it to him.

"I figured you wanted another set of gloves since the other ones looked like they were dirty."

He took them from my hands and nodded, "Thank you. Even though the hospital is like the cleanest places, I was still uncomfortable with my hands being exposed."

"Did your hives eventually go down?" I asked.

He nodded his head, "They went down a couple hours after you left."

"That's good. That made me think about something."


"Are you comfortable with me kissing you?"

"Yes. Just as long as you warn me before you do it."

I smiled, "Of course."

"And I am also comfortable with hand holding with and without gloves. Again, just let me know when you're going to do it so I don't like smack you away."

"Yeah," I chuckled.

"I honestly did not think I would be with someone who actually understands me."

"Neither did I."

I sat with him until it was time to leave. They wanted to keep Overhaul for the night and he would be discharged in the morning.

"Do you want me to come get you in the morning?"

"It's early. You should rest."

"Are you sure?"


I fished through my pockets and grabbed my spare key to my apartment.

"Take this then," I said.

He took it and put it in the pocket of his jacket, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll see you tomorrow. Mind if I?"

"Go ahead," he said.

I kissed his forehead and smiled at him, "See you."

"Bye, Y/N."

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