Chapter 54

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"There are many more than you think."


He looked up at me. He looked a bit distraught when he came back into the apartment after meeting with the League of Villains. 

"Yes, Y/N?"

"Is everything ok?"

He sighed and shook his head, "No."

"What's wrong, daddy?" Eri asked.

He looked over at her and then back at me. "When I met with the league members, they gave me some interesting information."

"Such as?"

"Well, Shigaraki confirmed that there were villain groups that wanted to convert me back to being a villain. I talked to Dabi and he said that there are more villains that I think there are."

"Did he give you an estimation?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No. There could be ten, there could be twenty. Hell, there could be a hundred thousand of them."

"Watch your language," I said.

"Sorry," he said and looked over at Eri. "Enough about what happened with me. What happened here when I was gone?"

"You didn't really miss much. Aiko was a bit fussy today and Eri helped her brother out. She even drew him a little picture."

He smiled, "Was he able to be put down for a nap?"

"He only slept for about an hour before he got hungry. Can I ask you one more thing about hero work?"


"Do you think you can handle these villains?"

He looked at his plate and sighed. "I honestly don't know. If I had every hero behind me, I still wouldn't think I was able to do it."

"Don't worry, daddy! I believe in you!" Eri smiled widely.

He smiled at her and rubbed her head. "Thank you, Eri."

He helped me finish washing the dishes as Eri watched over Aiko. She seemed to like having a little brother to play with. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I've just been really tired."

"I understand that," he said and pulled down his surgical mask. He placed his lips against my cheek. I always liked feeling his warm, soft lips. He put his head on my shoulder and lightly kissed my neck.

"Chisaki," I whispered.

He pulled his head away, "I just missed you today."

I smiled and kissed the top of his head. We sat there for a good five minutes before his phone went off. He sighed and reached into his pocket. 

"Do you mind if I?"

"I don't mind at all," I said.

He walked out of the apartment for a minute. I walked over to Eri and Aiko. I sat with them until Chisaki came back into the apartment. He came over to me and kissed the top of my head.

"I need to go," he said.

"Go? Go where?"

"U.A. building," he said and kissed the top of Eri and Aiko's head. "I hope not to be long."

He grabbed his mask before heading out of the apartment. 

"I'm glad you got here quickly," Deku said.

"What's the problem?" I asked and put my mask on my face. 

"There seems to be a spike in villain activity."

"Is this just recent?"

"We've been monitoring villain movements since the League of Villains were captured."

"Anything noticeably large?"

"Quite, actually."

"This can't be good."

We walked into a classroom to find most of the pro heroes there. Endeavor was there along with Hawks, Aizawa, Midnight, Mt. Lady, and other pros. 

"Thank you all for coming here on such a late notice," Deku said.

"What the hell is this about, nerd?" Bakugo yelled from the back of the room.

"I was about to get to that, Kacchan. Momo and I have been keeping tabs on villain movements since the League of Villains capture a few days ago. It wasn't like a huge spike, until now," Deku said and plugged in a computer to the projector. A graph appeared that showed the difference in movements. "As you can see, three days ago there was little to no movement. Two days ago there was a slight shift. Yesterday there was even a bigger change. This was updated a few minutes ago, but you can see that it spiked massively."

"What does that mean though?" Kirishima asked.

"What is happening?" Uraraka asked.

"We think that there are villains responding to the capture of the League of Villains," Momo said to help Deku. 

"Who are these villains?" Endeavor asked.

"We think it is the villain Re-Destro," Deku said.

"Re-Destro? As in the villain Destro?" Endeavor asked.

"No. Re-Destro is blood related to Destro. He wants to complete what Destro wanted with the Liberation Army. However, I don't think they're the Liberation Army anymore," Deku said.

"We are led to believe that them and the League of Villains came together to create the Paranormal Liberation Front," Momo said.

"And we just captured their leaders," I said.

"That is correct, Overhaul," Deku said. "Since they don't have any leaders, they are going to strike back and try to get our best heroes. Which means, they might be after you, Overhaul."

"That doesn't make any sense though. If they want their leaders back, go to Tartarus," I said. 

"We have informed the police and they have stationed some pro heroes down there in case there is any form of attack," Deku said.

"Do we know where they are?" I asked.

Deku looked at his computer real quick, "I am not picking up on anything, but it seems they are stationary."

I shook my head, "We just need to be ready for a full blown attack."

"Do you really think they would attack us?" Bakugo asked.

"They would if they want to get rid of the number one hero. Overhaul, just be on the look out when you leave this building."

I nodded my head, "We still need to discuss this though. Do you know anything about this Re-Destro guy?"

"All I have found on him is that his quirk is stress. If he builds up stress and then releases it, he will turn into this giant monster. That is what I really know about him," Momo said.

"Do you have any idea where he will attack?" I asked.

"No idea. If they're after you, they're probably searching where you would be."

"Great," I said.

"We just need to protect Overhaul," Endeavor was beginning to say.

"Shh," I said.

Endeavor looked at me, "What did you say?"

"I said shh!" I stood up and everyone listened. "DUCK!"

We all got to the ground and something crashed through the window.

"Where is master's successor?!"

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