Chapter 32

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"Why did you work with the league? Why couldn't you leave us alone? Why did you have to put him through so much pain?" I yelled at her as my hand reached behind me to try and grab Overhaul's. But since his hands were bound together in that metal box, I was unable to grab his hand.

"There was money involved and I thought, if I got Overhaul out of your life, you might try to come back to me. He wouldn't be in your life plaguing your mind."

"What the hell are you going on about? Overhaul has done nothing to hurt me. He has accidentally hurt me, but nothing on purpose! He's not some sort of plague that is going to infect everyone just by being around him! He has changed and he is actually a nice, sweet, and caring guy! You just see him for what he once was: a villain!"

"He will always be a villain! He may be a hero and may be doing hero things along side of you, but that does not make him a hero."

"It seems your definition of a hero differs from mine," I said.

"Y/N, we need to get out of here. All she is doing is stalling. We need to get out of here before the league shows up," Overhaul whispered in my ear.

I nodded, "Todoroki, get that box off of Overhaul's hands."

"Got it," he said and he slowly started to melt off the metal.

"We're leaving, whether you like it or not. And you better not expect me to come back here."

"You think you can just leave just like that?" my mother asked.

"Yes," I said and blinded her. Since I had more light around me, it was much stronger. We ran past her, but she grabbed my shoulder.

"Do you really think my own quirk can affect me?" she asked.

I sneered and formed a light dagger. I stabbed her shoulder with it. She yelled in pain and released her hold on me. I kicked her to the ground and formed a whip. I wrapped it around her arms and waist. I kept a hold on it and ran out of the mansion. She followed behind me.

"Why do you have her with you?" Todoroki asked.

"We need to get her to the police station. This is the only way that I can restrain her. She has the same light powers as I do, but she can't get past my light weapons."

"Let's go then," Endeavor said.

We headed towards the nearest police station. They took her in and locked her in a room to be interrogated. We informed them about the league and they took Endeavor with them to see if they can round them up. Deku, Todoroki, and Momo headed back to Hosu to rest for the night. Overhaul and I headed to the nearest hospital so that they could efficiently attend to his wounds. While we were walking over to the hospital, I could see he had hives all over his face.

"Is the blood bothering you?" I asked.

"I just feel so dirty right now," he said.

I looked at him once more, "Wait, your mask!"

He went to touch his face and he sighed, "I had completely forgotten about it. Shigaraki ripped it from my face."

"It's a good thing I brought this with me," I said and pulled out his black surgical mask. He seemed relieved by it and put it over his mouth. It made him feel a little better, but I needed to get his mask back from the league.

"I'm going back to get your mask. You keep going to the hospital," I said and ran off back towards the mansion.

"Y/N, wait!" Overhaul yelled.

I ran as fast as I could to where we were in the underground area. The police were rounding up some of the league members that didn't escape with Kurogiri. There was not even a trace that they were there. I headed into the room that Overhaul was being kept in. His mask was right by the door. I picked it up and headed over to the hospital. When I got there, a nurse had directed me to where his room was. I walked down the hall and found his room. I opened the door and Overhaul was sitting on the bed with an IV attached to his arm. Connected to the IV was a bag full of blood.

"The doctor said I had lost a lot of blood. He said that if I had sustained another major cut or injury, I would be dead."

"What happened when that league member came into your room?" I asked.

He pulled back his sleeve to show me a giant burn scar, "It was Dabi."

"Are they going to check out your cuts?"

He nodded his head, "They want me to be connected to this before they do anything. They want to make sure my blood flow is stable."

I nodded my head, "I found your mask. Thankfully it didn't burn when Endeavor and Todoroki sent in their flames."

He nodded his head, "Thank you for getting it."

"I know how much it means to you." I looked at it and saw there was some ash on it. "I should go wash this."

I walked into the bathroom and quickly scrubbed his mask out. I walked out and set it next to the hospital bed. I sat down in front of him and he told me what happened. The doctor came in and said I needed to head home for the night. It was a long travel back to Hosu. I said goodbye to Overhaul and left the hospital. I caught the last train back to Hosu. Endeavor was sitting on the train and I sat next to him.

"How is he doing?" he asked.

"He's fine. He's currently in the hospital getting treated."

He rested his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me, "I might not be your actual father, but I am saying this for your father. I am proud of you, Y/N. You're becoming a hero I knew you would become. I am very proud to say that for your father and as a father figure in your life."

I smiled up at Endeavor, "Thank you."

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