49. Great Expectations

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Going to work felt odd for some reason. I'd heard a rumour that Webber might be retiring but I didn't believe it. There was also a little bit of tension between Addie and Alex. "George has turned into a sex machine. Are you hearing me? A machine of sex. We have to do something. What's wrong with you people?" Iz asked as she walked into the locker room, I was just sat on the floor against the lockers.

"Derek kept me up all night with his ranting. Cristina and Burke still are not speaking to each other." Meredith said beginning to list what was wrong with us.

"Oh, you know what? I'm fine. I mean, I'm just not gonna be the first one talking. I mean, he has to talk 'cause I'm in the right. Talking first is for losers. I'm winning." Cristina said to us, that was not going to work.

"Then Y/n is having issues with her sister and Alex- -I dong know what's wrong with Alex." Meredith said. Before you get confused on why me and Ken have fallen out, it's because she's planning on moving out and getting her own place. But I want her to stay.

"I'm good. I'm all good." Alex said while shutting his locker.

"Let me just remind you that I'm still recovering from the death of my fiancé, the demise of my surgical career, the fact that I was forced to deposit $8-million check that I was saving for a good cause even though I haven't found a good cause, and I'm the only one here under the care of a shrink. I could blow any minute. Now George's dad has died. It has turned him into a sex machine. I'm gonna need a little help with that, so one of you better pull it together." Iz said to us, I felt really bad for Callie. George walked in, I wonder how much he heard.

"Hey, anyone seen Callie? I kinda need to find her for something." George said to us.

"Last time I saw her, she was by the coffee cart." I said lying to him, I knew where she really was. George and Iz got paged to a case with Addison. I was hoping to get a good case today. So far the only thing I was doing was discharging patients. It didn't bother me really, it was keeping me occupied. I saw Burke in the hallway.

"Are you available to assist me with a truncus arteriosus surgery?" He asked me.

"Yes, I'm available." I said with a smile. It was a rare procedure and I was glad that I was scrubbing in. We both went downstairs before I scrubbed in entered the O.R. Burke was talking to Derek for a bit. Burke entered the room and we started the procedure, my mum was probably going to be so proud of me when I tell her this. But she would probably try and persuade me to do cardio but I still want to do ortho, even if I wasn't put on Callie's services for the day. At least this gave me a new opportunity. When we'd done we scrubbed out and took our patient back up to his room. After a few hours me and Iz went to go and get something to eat.

"Did you have any good surgeries today?" She asked me as we sat down.

"Yeah, I had a truncus arteriosus. What's your case been like?" I asked her before taking a bite of my salad.

"I haven't a patient who has stage IV cancer. Her best friend is trying to do everything for her but she just wants to go home." Iz said to me, I got that. You always want to do everything you can for the people you love but at the end of the day the best thing to do is to let them go.

"I understand the whole wanting to do everything thing." I said to her. After we ate we were both preparing for staying overnight, but first I wanted to go upstairs and see Kennedy. She was about to leave. "Ken, can I talk to you?" I said before pulling her aside.

"What is it? I'm hungry and tired." She said to me.

"I don't want you to move out. At least stay a little while longer. Maybe until I'm a resident and not an intern anymore. I can't do this without you being there every night." I said to her, she looked away before looking at me.

"And I do need help before I go back to med school to become a surgeon myself." She said to me with a smile.

"So are you still going to move out?" I asked her with a smile.

"No, I'm staying." She said, before I hugged her.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said to her before walking to the lift so that I could have a bit of a nap before I would get paged during the night. I had 2 code blues to attend to, one successful and one not. But that was life, not everything goes they way that we want and that just life. It's like we're in a race to see who can make it for the longest amount of time.

During the night I had to attend to an emergency surgery but that didn't bother me in the slightest, I barely got any sleep that night. So when I got home in the morning I had a quick shower and nap before getting some breakfast and heading straight out the day again for work. Not really caring that I was a mess or not.

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