Chapter 2 • The Mouse-toy

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A low groan awoke Sephy from her slumber, making the kitten hybrid lazily roll on her side and tiredly blink open her heavy eyes. The night had been awfully cold, leaving the two a shivering mess even in dreamland. There was nothing they could do about it though, there were no warm places for them to stay that were equally as safe.

She'd rather be freezing her toes off, than getting caught by those hybrid-hunters.

Letting out a row of baby dinosaur noises as the girl stretched her stiff body, she barely managed to greet the boy next to her, "G-Good-hmpf-morning."

A huge yawn left her plump lips, begging her to go back to sleep, but she forced herself to get up.

Taehyung curled into an even smaller ball now that Sephy's warmth had left him, a pout forming on his lips, "Morning." It came out as a deep mumble and if the girl hadn't had her excellent hearing, she wouldn't have heard him at all.

With a slight frown decorating her face, Sephy worriedly observed the boy. As she had noticed yesterday, he was getting way too thin. She always gave him more of the food as he was taller than her (and absolutely not because she cared for him or anything), but he still seemed merely skin and bone. Even his beautiful complexion had taken on a yellowy pale tint because of the lack of food.

She had to find him something to eat, hopefully some warmer clothes as well. To be fair, the both of them needed it, but she was more worried about Taehyung.
"I'll go get us breakfast, I'll be right back."

After getting a hum of approval from the sleepy hybrid, Sephy tactfully climbed out of the bush.

Judging the amount of people on the streets, which were very little, the girl concluded that it must have been early in the morning. Maybe close to eight, as the lights in the little grocery shop on the corner were already switched on.

Great, she would have some time left to quickly find some food and get back to Tae.

Moving as swiftly as her sore body would let her, the petite hybrid walked towards the little alley behind a restaurant, the smell of dumpsters attacking her sensitive nose. Ignoring the ones at the front, Sephy maneuvered all the way to the back where she knew was the biggest possibility of finding something eatable.

A waiter from the restaurant always hid some fresh food in the farthest dumpster for any stray hybrid to find. They couldn't put too much or else they would get caught and the owner wasn't very hybrid friendly, but he cared enough to risk his job.
Or at least that's what Taehyung had told her. He'd seen him once, she hadn't.

Pushing open the heavy lid of the dumpster, Sephy climbed on top of another one to peek into the sea of stinky food. There, right at the surface was a blue plastic back securely tied close. A little post-it adorned the front, 'eat well ! ^-^'


Sephy couldn't help but smile at the note, even though her nose was scrunched up in disgust at the smell of all the other rotten food. She had hit the jackpot, the plastic bag was filled with bread and a water bottle.

Eagerly grabbing the package, the girl hesitated for a moment. Should she leave something for other strays to find? Yes, Tae and she needed the food very badly, but there were more hybrids in their position. She knew it was everyone for themselves in this world, but getting caught by the police or dying from starvation was something else.

I'll leave two of the freshly baked bread-pieces and just take the rest.

Moving to open the package, the sound of some commotion near the entrance of the alleyway made her stop in her tracks.

Bubble Baths and Glaring Eyes • BTS hybrid FFWhere stories live. Discover now