Chapter 9 • Bath time

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"Sephy, come out wherever you are!"

"Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty~"

The group of six had split up into two groups of three to find the hidden kitten in the huge house. While Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi were searching the basement and ground floor, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung were hoping to spot Sephy somewhere on the top level.

"Why are we the ones searching, when Jin-hyung was the one who said it?" Jimin softly whined, his thoughts occupied with the cake and hot chocolate they'd been promised for dessert. He softly kicked the bed, tail hanging low between his legs.

"Would you rather wash the dishes?" Hoseok offered, crouching low to glance under the dressers in the guest room. He didn't think she would be there, but just in case he still checked. As expected, he found nothing but an abandoned sock covered in dust.

"Nope, let's find Sephy." Jimin quickly agreed. The desert fox tried to use his hearing and sense of smell to detect the girl, but Sephy had been smart enough to run into every room. Her scent was everywhere mixed with old trails as well. It was impossible to sniff her out.

"You know, kitty's a lot smarter than Yoongi-hyung. All we had to do to find him when he first got here, was pull open the closet."Hoseok chuckled at Jimin's comment, while Taehyung just stood there in confusion.

He had no idea what the two were talking about. The only thing he was sure of was that he wouldn't be getting his bath if he didn't find Sephy. Now the girl might hate water, but he liked taking showers very much. Especially the bath Hoseok had given him four days ago. He had been allowed to splatter all he wanted, play with the bubbles and toys, and it smelled really good. He couldn't wait for it to happen again.

He had to find Sephy, no matter what.

With a newly found determination, Taehyung left the room the three had been standing in and crept down the hallway. If he was Sephy, where would he be hiding?
The first thing that came to mind was someplace high. It had always been their hide-out running away from scary officers, so that seemed to be the most logical spot to look. But where would she have gone to?

Taehyung sniffed the air, trying to smell anything that could lead him to the sly kitten's hiding place. It was definitely not Jin's, Hoseok's or Jimin's room. The first two she hadn't been in before so her scent would be too obvious, and the latter they had just searched through. He doubted that she would hide in the guestrooms where they were staying; again, it would be too obvious.

Taehyung trailed along the entrances of both Yoongi and Namjoon's room. She could definitely go in there, but the red panda wasn't stupid. He had seen the way she looked at those two. She saw them as bigger, stronger, more dominant. If she didn't want to be found then why would she hide in an alpha's room who could easily catch her?

They were simply too big of a threat.

Making up his mind, the red panda walked into the only bedroom left:
Jungkook's bedroom.

The two had gotten quite close these past three days, though there was still the occasional blushing and shyness. They were cute together, the two youngest. The others couldn't help but coo at them every time Jungkook nervously yet excitedly explained a new game or asked Sephy if she wanted to play.

The kitten had spent quite some hours up in Jungkook's room, bearing his shouting at the computer, giggling at the drawings they made or simply sleeping on the cheetah's bed while he did god knows what.
Her scent was very prominent and that's why the moment Tae stepped into the youngest's bedroom, Sephy's body that was on top of the wardrobe, pressed against the wall like her life depended on it, stiffened.

Bubble Baths and Glaring Eyes • BTS hybrid FFWhere stories live. Discover now