Chapter 16 • JK day

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Sephy sat in a field of grass, a high tree covering her from the surprisingly bright sunlight. Her pink plump lips were pulled in a slight pout as she repeatedly flicked the little bell tied to her collar with the point of her finger.

The kitten wasn't too upset about having to wear a collar to let others know she was adopted. If anything this was her passage to freedom.
She didn't mind the piece of black velvet hugging her neck. She wasn't even offended that it weren't the others who had chosen her the collar, they were against hybrids being treated like slaves after all, but that instead the adoption office had sent it through the mail.

It was the stupid bell that made her frown in distaste. How was she supposed to silently hunt and sneak around when she got a ball the size of a grape dangling from her neck?

She guessed that was the point to begin with, not being able to surprise attack someone and thus making her less of a threat. Still, she didn't like the noise it made.

Being too consumed by the sound of her own bell, Sephy didn't hear Jungkook as he sneaked up behind her and leaped at her, tackling the kitten to the ground to play fight very much like cats do.

The two tumbled and rolled around, switching between who sat on top and who lay on their back. Jungkook giggled as Sephy hissed at him only to playfully growl back as she turned them around, her teeth finding its way to his ears.

Jungkook let out a soft yelp, ready to pounce back at Sephy. Before he could however, the kitten had already climbed off of him and ran away, her giggles revealing wherever she went.
The cheetah grinned, his eyes focused on the girl as he started his hunt.

The two ran around the park like two squirrels on crack, tackling each other before sprinting away again.

"Got you!" Jungkook smugly stated as he floored the kitten. His muscular thighs were straddling her waist, one hand pushing down on her shoulder, the other holding her wrist.

Sephy was panting from the exercise. Where the cheetah was full of energy and not even bothered from their little game, she wasn't used to all the running. She felt like just lying in the grass and not moving for the next hour or so.

"Yeah, yeah. I thought I would let you win since I didn't want to upset you." Sephy lied, squinting her eyes against the sun. Jungkook was hovering over her, the bright light surrounding him like some kind of halo. He looked other-wordly, but then again, when didn't he.

"Sure you did." The cheetah mumbled, observing the girl's face from up close. Once he realized he could see the little freckle underneath her eye, he smiled at her shyly, his ears turning red.
"A-ah, sorry. I'll get off you now."

He scrambled to a stand, offering his hand to help the girl off the ground.
Sephy accepted, letting the boy lift her to her feet. The two walked back to where the others were sitting, the kitten immediately plopping down next to Yoongi.
"Kookie, kitty! We were about to play some football. Do you want to join?" Jimin questioned, throwing the ball to Taehyung as he was asking for it.

Jungkook immediately agreed, his eyes lighting up at the idea. Sephy simply shook her head, "No thanks, I'm tired."

"Okay then, just join us if you feel like it!" Jin quickly ran his fingers through the girl's hair before stealing the ball from Tae's hands and running away. The human didn't get too far as Jungkook quickly caught up and tripped him. The cheetah laughed, proudly showing off the football he was holding.

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