Chapter 13 • Cuddles and Kisses

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After the hours-long gaming tournament that Jungkook ended up winning, the group lazily sat around the living room. Sephy was exhausted, yawn after yawn escaping her lips as she tried to keep her eyes open. It wasn't like she had done a lot physically throughout the day, but the worrying thoughts about her status compared to the group had tired her out. She was constantly stressing, scared that everything she said could be understood wrongly or that every action she did would offend the others. Her anxiety had gotten to a point where Jimin had trapped both her and Taehyung, as she hadn't let go of the red panda once that evening, in his arms, asking her what was wrong. She just shook her head, telling him she was just tired before proceeding to panic if the others would get mad at her for hugging Jimin.

He was the one hugging her, but still.

In the end it had been Taehyung who saved her from the worrying eyes. "Sephy, do you want to go to bed?" he ran his fingers through her hair, softly playing with the locks like he had always done.

The kitten gratefully nodded her head, tightening her grip on her friend so that he could carry her on his back.
Three weeks in this new home had fattened them up just enough so that their cheeks were no longer hollow, the red panda now being strong enough to momentarily hold the tiny Sephy.

"Okay, sleep well guys. We'll wake you in the morning for breakfast so that we can leave for the park on time." Jin said, smiling sweetly at the two. The weather was said to get better this weekend so the group wanted to take that opportunity to spend some time outside.

Taehyung nodded, waving at the others before disappearing up the stairs, Sephy still comfortable on his back, "Night night~"

Once the two reached the bathroom, they quickly brushed their teeth and washed their faces, the kitten using certain products given to her by Jimin instead of the water. After they were done readying for the night, the two waddled into their shared bedroom.

When they first got here, Jin had showed them the two assigned guest rooms. They tried to make it through the first night alone, but simply couldn't. They had survived through the worst times of their life together. Sleeping without each other was impossible.

Without discussing things with the others, the two sneaked to each others room every night until Hoseok found out. He proposed for the two to just share a room instead of creeping around like two spies on a mission. They happily agreed.

"Sephy, what is bothering you? I know you didn't want to tell them, but I'm here for you. You know I won't be going anywhere, no matter what you think or say." Taehyung pulled off the clothes he was wearing, exchanging them for his pajama that consisted of a T-shirt and matching bottoms.

Sephy shortly admired his pretty skin and body before getting out of her own clothing. The others had bought them many outfits from which Sephy now owned three pajamas. She hadn't yet tried on the onesie recommended to her by Jin, but until now her favourite was definitely the baby pink lace cami and shorts Jimin and Namjoon had chosen for her.

The kitten found that even though she loved wearing oversized clothing throughout the day, at night she easily felt hot. The light fabric of the pajamas were comfortable on her sensitive skin and were airy enough to keep her content for the night.

Once the two had changed into their pajamas, they climbed into the bed, snuggling beneath the blankets and immediately turning to hug each other.
"I'm confused," Sephy started, playing with the buttons of Tae's shirt.

The boy hummed, his warm hands trailing circles on the exposed skin of Sephy's back and waist. He allowed her to take her time, knowing that she was looking for words.

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