Chapter 29 • If I fits, I sits

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Sephy let out a content purr as she happily napped away in the laundry basket. She had tried to fit her small body in the shimmering dryer as the shining of metal and warm blankets seemed to grab her attention every time she walked past the laundry room, but sadly she couldn't fit.

Instead of going through the extreme pain and trouble of switching into her complete kitten form, she decided to shove the little basket that she could just curl up in, in front of the dryer and pull out the freshly washed blankets so that she could nestle in the warmth.

She hadn't originally walked up the stairs to have a little nap time, instead she had wanted to escape Jungkook and Jimin's scolding party. She decided on sneaking to her room so that she could go and fetch her little plushie.
On her way back downstairs however, she had heard the dryer beep, announcing that the blankets were clean, warm and ready for usage. She couldn't help but sneak into the room and crawl into the basket to have a nap, mister tickles, the octopus plushie Yoongi had bought her after one of her baths, loyally sleeping by her side.

Sephy let out a content hum, twisting her body so that she could cover herself with the blankets more. It was so soft and warm that she felt like she was lying on a freshly baked sponge cake. The girl licked her lips, recalling the sweet taste of the cake Hoseok had baked them a couple of days ago. Oh how she had savoured the squishy goodness.

Quietly napping away, Sephy's ears twitched at the sound of said man's happy laughter. She opened one of her eyes, noticing how her sunshine had walked into the room and was laughing at her curled up form.

"Are you sure you're comfortable like that, Sephy? All folded to fit in the basket."

The kitten hummed, her tail swinging around as best as it could in the little space it had.

Another laugh left Hoseok's heart-shaped lips as he grabbed his phone from his jeans, quickly snapping a photo of the napping kitten with her octopus plushie in her arms, and send it to the group chat, knowing that the others needed to see the cute view.

The scene definitely warmed his heart, but adorable or not, he needed to do the laundry.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need those blankets and that basket though."

Sephy blinked up at the man who moved to open the washing machine, showing that he needed to remove the wet fabric and hang it on the drying rack.
The kitten sat up, but didn't move completely, reluctant to leave her comfy spot behind. After a minute or so of a blank staring contest, she decided that her spot wasn't worth annoying her sunshine. She would come back here some other time and meanwhile she could find a different place to nap.

Climbing out of the basket, the girl made sure to keep mister tickles close to her body as she smoothly made her way out of the room. Hoseok chuckled in amusement, knowing that she would be off to find another ridiculous place to sit.

She had been doing it more often. Finding the smallest or most random places in the house and somehow making herself comfortable there. She had startled the boys many times, Jin and Hoseok mostly being the victim as they didn't have the supernatural senses.

The man put the wet clothes in the dryer after folding up the clean blankets.
He remembered one time stepping out of the shower, happily humming a tune as he made his way to his room to do his skin-care routine and found Sephy quietly waiting in his dresser. Apparently he had left the drawer open and despite all of the makeup and skin products he kept in there, she thought there was enough room for her to sit there.
She had scared the living daylights out of him when he turned to grab a face mask and instead found the kitting staring at him.

He was sure that she would scare them way more often, because she didn't make a lot of noise when moving around and was drawn to weird places way too strongly for her to stop.

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