Chapter 24 • Oops pt. 2

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An extra update because of this book reaching 30K views and my finished story reaching 10K! Enjoy! ^-<

Hoseok awoke the next day to the feeling of Sephy wriggling around the sheets. It took him a few seconds to realize why the kitten was in his bed before noticing the breathy huffs and whines leaving her lips. He also took notice of how incredibly hot he was all of a sudden.
Or not he, but Sephy.

Blinking open his eyes, the man squinted against the sunlight that had managed to peek through the curtains he had forgotten to properly close the night before. His brown orbs focused on Sephy who was in the process of waking up. Her face was flushed red in a way that looked very pretty on her milky skin, her hair was messy from the night and stuck to her neck and face from the sweat that seemed to cover the girl completely. Even her lips looked redder and plumper as she had been biting into them to silence her whining.

It took Hoseok a bit to figure out why the kitten looked like she had just finished a whole exercise routine. When he did however, his eyes widened drastically.

Oh no.

Sephy let another whine escape her lips, her big eyes fluttering open to sadly frown up at Hoseok. "Hobi, it hurts~"

Oh no.

Why hadn't they recognized the symptoms earlier? The sudden anger, feeling too hot, being thirsty, being cuddly, the nest; Sephy had gone into heat.

The man shot out of the bed, grabbing his phone and calling Jin all the while cooing at the kitten in hopes that she would calm down a bit. He pulled back the blanket on the top, knowing that he would upset her if he ruined her little nest.

"Hoseok! Why are you calling me? We literally live together. Is it so difficult to walk down the stairs?" Jin's voice sounded loud through the silent room making Sephy whine more. She wanted someone to hold her, to make the pain go away, but Hoseok wasn't helping her.

"Hyung! Sephy's gone into heat!"


Hoseok pulled the phone away from his ear at Jin's loud yell. He waited for the attack to be over before resuming his explanation, "Hyung, listen, bring those pills, maybe discuss it with the others, but I need your help, okay? Come to my room as quick as you can, I'll grab a wet towel in hopes to cool her down."

"Okay, I'll be there as quick as- wait a second. She's in your room?! What is she doing in-" Hoseok didn't wait for the man to finish. He ended the call, running to the connected bathroom to quickly wet a towel.

"Alright baby. Let's get you to cool down, hm?" Hoseok ran over to the window to open it as far as possible, letting in a cool stream of air. He then leaned over the bed, pressing the cold cloth to the girl's forehead.

Sephy let out another cry, her hands in the air to reach for Hoseok. "Shhh, you'll be fine, Sephy."

The man caressed the girl's hair, smiling sadly as he saw her curl into a little ball from the pain. "Hobi, help please. It hurts."

"I know love, Jin-hyung is coming with the medicine."

As if on cue the door to Hoseok's room burst open, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin walking inside.

"Oh gosh." Jimin let out a shaky breath, pushing his hand to his nose to block the alluringly sweet scent from triggering his instincts to jump the kitten. The room smelled too good.

Namjoon and Yoongi gulped as well, both at the scent and the temptingly pleasant sight of the pretty Sephy sitting in her little nest.

"Baby, why didn't you say you were about to start your heat, hm?" Jin cooed, moving to the bed and holding out his arms so that he could pull the girl to the edge. He handed the package of medicine to Hoseok so that he could open it while taking the cloth from his hand and folding it before pressing it back onto her skin.

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