Chapter 42 • The Picnic

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"No, Tae, Don't climb in that tree! Sephy, get back here! Jungkook, that's not food! Drop that! Jimin, give me back my shoe! No, don't- Oh my gosh..."

It hadn't even been half an hour since they left for the picnic and how Jin was enjoying Namjoon's struggling. The man comfortably sat on a blanket, hands perched behind him to support his figure as he leaned back, eyes closed and face turned to the sun.

The wolf's calls of protest and sighs of defeat were like music to his ears. He of course could have stepped in to help his mate, but as long as the others weren't in any actual danger, he preferred watching the alpha trying to keep them all in check.

The moment they had reached the park, which turned out to be fairly empty that day, the youngest four had all transformed into their animal forms.
Hybrids weren't allowed to shift everywhere, but this particular park was designed for people with hybrids. It was big enough so that they could run around and let out all of their pent up energy from staying inside for too long. They could be themselves as long as they didn't attack others and wore their collars.

"Tae, get down from there, you might hurt yourself!" Namjoon nervously commented, watching with concerned eyes as Taehyung playfully dangled from the branches.
The wolf knew that the boy was a red panda, they were used to climbing trees, but still he couldn't help but panic for his well-being. The boy was swinging very carelessly, more focused on teasing the alpha than on where he put his paws.

Namjoon didn't mind having the lead as it was something he was naturally good at, but with four hyper hybrids running in different directions, it was difficult for him to focus. Multitasking had never been his strongest point.

In short, he was panicking.

Yoongi sighed, getting up from his spot on the blanket and patting the wolf on his shoulder empathetically, "I'll go get Tae, you go after Sephy. Hoseok, could you get Jungkook?" The panther had seen the mess coming from a mile, but luckily they were with enough people to take care of the situation.

Hoseok nodded, walking towards Jungkook who was in his cheetah form and trying to tug the toy he had been chewing on in hopes of eating it, out of his mouth. Kookie playfully crouched down, refusing to let go while Hoseok made all kinds of noises as he tried to pull the mouse from between his sharp teeth.

While the tug-of-war went on between the two mates, Yoongi shifted into his panther form, softly groaning at the feeling. Because he and Namjoon were older, they could switch into their animal-form without their instincts taking over completely. They had more control and so they could take care of the younger ones.

Yoongi's beautiful black fur shone in the sunlight as he used his claws to climb the tree. He lay down on the branch beneath Taehyung, making sure that he would be able to catch his small form if he were to fall, but not directly interfering with his play time. He patiently sat there, tail swinging in the air as his eyes followed Tae's every move.

Namjoon scanned the high grass, searching for Sephy. It was a good thing that she had the little bell dangling from her collar, because if it wasn't for the constant ringing as she ventured off into the wild, he wouldn't have been able to find her.
For some reason she kept running away, sprinting off into the distance as fast as her little paws could take her. She wanted to explore the whole area, taking in all the scents and sights of the huge park.
The alpha thought that was a tiny bit too ambitious for their little kitten to do all by herself, but no matter his requests she did not stop.

Shifting into his wolf form, Namjoon welcomed the feeling of aching bones, waiting for the change to be complete. His clothing ripped apart very much like Yoongi's had, but it was okay. They had put on some of their old stuff and taken with some spare articles, already expecting the need to change at least once.

Bubble Baths and Glaring Eyes • BTS hybrid FFWhere stories live. Discover now