Chapter 12 • Praise me!

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Dinner went by fairly calmly. Cooking the meal with Yoongi and Taehyung had brightened Sephy's mood enough that she was babbling along with the others. Apparently Namjoon had had a rough day at the flower shop as a hybrid-hating client had refused to let the wolf help him pick his bouquet. Apart from a lot of hateful words, the man had been too scared to do anything else so Namjoon wasn't too harmed, though he did feel bad for the man.

Living life with such narrow-minded morals must be sad.

"So what did you do today?" Hoseok questioned the others after Namjoon had finished his story. They had cleared their plates and were now enjoying a slice of victoria spongecake that Jin had baked that afternoon along with some warm custard.

Sephy couldn't keep her tail from dancing as she eagerly spooned up the sweetness. It just tasted so freaking good!

"Well, I baked the cake, which I'm very glad I did now that I see this adorable view." Jin commented, chuckling as he wiped away a bit of the custard that had somehow ended up on the tip of Sephy's button nose.

The kitten didn't even notice the sweet gesture, her focus too consumed by the delicious food.

"I played some games with TaeTae-hyungie this morning and then spent the rest of the day with Jiminie-hyung on the couch!" Jungkook happily announced. He had been lazying around these past couple of days which he actually quite enjoyed, though the others took notice of the way his legs were bouncing up and down, unable to sit still. They made a mental note to take him to the park once the weather cleared up or at least think of a way to give him some exercise inside.

Speaking from experience, things could end up badly if the cheetah didn't have a way to let out his energy.

"That sounds nice, bub. What did you and Jiminie do?" Namjoon questioned, trying to deepen the conversation.

Jungkook's cheeks flushed bright red as he shamefully grinned at the alpha. A giggle left his lips, not knowing if he could say it or not.
"They kissed. Using tongue. A lot." Taehyung innocently mumbled, his face covered in the sweet desert they were eating.

A silence followed the casual announcement, both Jimin and Jungkook hiding their blushing faces behind their hands in embarrassment, though Jimin's smug grin didn't go unnoticed.

"Of course they did, the little brats." Yoongi let out a sigh, shaking his head as if disappointed. When Jimin poked his side however, a big gummy smile appeared on his face.

"Hyungie, if you're jealous you can just ask~" the desert fox retorted, raising his eyebrows in question.

"Why?" The gummy smile had made place for a small grin that reminded Sephy of a certain emoji Jungkook had showed her.

"I'll give you kisses." Jimin tilted his head, purposely acting cute. Even though the view of boy's big innocent eyes and mischievous grin did something to Sephy's feelings, Yoongi wasn't one bit impressed, "I don't want to, though."

The desert fox gasped dramatically, putting his hand on his chest as if he'd been shot. Taehyung started laughing cutely at the overly expressive reaction, leaving Hoseok to adoringly caress his soft locks. The red panda leaned into the older's touch, not wanting the nice feeling to stop. Hoseok gladly continued stroking his hair.

Having finished all of her food, to Sephy's dismay, the kitten slowly slid off the chair. Once her bare feet hit the ground, she waddled towards the sink, trying not to step on the fabric of her pajama bottoms. The girl had insisted on getting the pair that was a couple of sizes too big saying it would be more comfortable. Not having been able to say no to the cute begging face she had pulled, Jin had agreed.

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