Chapter 15 • Confession

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"Wakey wakey, babies~" Jimin's sweet voice teased their ears first thing in the morning.

Sephy scrunched up her nose, mumbling some incoherent words as she rolled around, pulling the blanket around her like a burrito.
She didn't want to wake up, not when the bed was so comfortable.

Taehyung whined at the sudden exposure to the cold air and scooted closer to the kitten. He pulled at the stolen blanket, wanting to join her in her little roll of comfort and warmth.

"No, no, wake up you two." Jimin softly scolded. He climbed onto the bed, targeting Taehyung first as he had already lost the protection of the blanket.

The desert fox pulled at his hand, helping him in a sitting position, and ran his fingers through the red panda's hair. "Come on, wake up TaeTae. Hoseokie-hyung made us pancakes! I believe he even talked about making you a hot choco as you don't like coffee. You don't want to let that get cold, now do you?"

At the mention of his favourite drink, Taehyung perked up. He had first tried the sweet warm goody a week ago and immediately fell in love. The boy would do anything for hot choco.

Climbing out of bed, Taehyung stumbled out of the room. His eyes were still half closed, though he somehow managed to avoid every bit of furniture and get to the hallway without falling.

Chuckling softly at his sudden excitement, Jimin called after the red panda, "Be careful please! We don't want you getting hurt!"

After hearing a faint hum from his friend, the fox turned to look at the bundled up kitten. It could have been a lump for all he'd known, if it wasn't for the two ears sticking out of the white blankets. "Kitty~ It's time to wake up."

Reaching out to softly flick her ears, Jimin let out a surprised gasp when she suddenly disappeared from his sight completely, having wriggled deeper into the cave of blankets.
"Be careful please, we don't want you to get hurt." The kitten mumbled, mocking the man's words as a warning to not bother her.

"Sephy, we talked about this yesterday. We're visiting the park. Aren't you excited?"

"Yesterday I didn't yet know how good the bed would feel." Ignoring the man's response, Sephy slowly nodded off to sleep. That was until someone pulled at her blanket, revealing her curled up figure.

She hissed, opening her eyes to glare at whoever dared to disturb her. It was Yoongi, his sharp eyes still puffy from the sleep. He bared his teeth, immediately silencing the girl with a low growl.

The two watched each other, slowly blinking.

"I know. Me too." Was all Yoongi said as he continued pulling away the blanket. Sephy's bottom lip jotted out as the cold engulfed her.

Bye bye burrito, it was nice being you.

Jimin poked at her plump lip, a soft giggle leaving his throat. Such a cute face. He let his eyes glide over the girl's appearance, brown orbs darkening ever so slightly as he took notice of the baby pink pajamas.
She looked...tempting?
Her soft skin was exposed beneath the lacy crop top and shorts, her long hair tousled, face puffy, lips a beautiful pink and big eyes watery.

How was it possible for someone to look so pretty when just waking up?

Jimin broke out of his daze as Yoongi handed the girl a black hoodie. "Here, put this on top so that we can go downstairs and eat breakfast. The sooner we are at the park, the quicker we can go and nap in the sun."

Complying to the panther's orders, Sephy quickly pulled the warm material over her head, sighing in content as she was finally protected from the chilly room temperature.

Bubble Baths and Glaring Eyes • BTS hybrid FFWhere stories live. Discover now