Chapter 27 • Staring-contest

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Sephy awoke with a soft yawn. It took her some time to realize where she was and what was going on, but as she heard Jungkook's steady breathing in her ear, she remembered the movie marathon.

Sleepily blinking her eyes, the kitten glanced at the TV, noticing how it was turned off. She must have slept through the whole film, probably even longer as she noticed that only Hoseok was sitting in a chair still, typing away on his phone.

Letting out the softest yawn, the girl turned in the hold, peeking up at the cheetah embracing her.

"Morning, Sephy." She was greeted by sparkling dark eyes that looked down at her happily, a cute little grin that seemed particularly satisfied that she had woken up in his arms and a flop of messy hair that reflected the beams of sunlight that shone through the windows.

"Morning, Kookie."

Sephy could tell that where she had just woken up and was not yet in the mood to talk, the cheetah was bursting with energy. He had been awake for some while now, but had not let go of her.
It was sweet.

Pushing her nose against his cheek, Sephy nuzzled the boy for a bit. He smelled really good, even after their little nap.
She reached up to run her fingers through his hair, taking some time to scratch at his ears and gave a little lick to the boy's cheek as if thanking him.

When she pulled away she noticed the cute blush along his cheeks and nose, lips formed into a bashful smile.
Sephy chuckled, booping the boy's nose with hers before slowly pulling away.

How the boy was supposed to be a predatory hybrid she still couldn't believe when every little touch had him reacting like a prey. She didn't mind it though. It made him Jungkook, being both absolutely adorable and incredibly strong.

"What time is it?" Sephy mumbled in question, using her hands to rub her puffy face even though Jin had told her many times not to do that.

"It's a little after lunch time. We have just eaten, but there's food left for you on the stove," Hoseok answered, lowering his phone so that he could smile at her sleepy face. "How are you feeling?"

"Good. The heat is still there but very little."
Sephy let out another yawn as she crawled to a standing, stretching her arms and legs a bit.

Jungkook took the time to do the same, before making his way to Hoseok and squeezing himself behind the man so that he could hug him comfortably.

"That's good. Let us know if anything changes, okay?"

"Okay." The kitten nodded her head, her hand mindlessly resting on her stomach. As if on cue a loud rumbling sounded from her belly. She turned to blink down at her tummy with a blank expression, softly patting the surface. "I'm go'n eat now."

Her words slurred a bit, but Hoseok understood nevertheless. He nodded his head, pressing a peck to Jungkook's temple before focusing on his phone again.

Sephy waddled into the kitchen, having heard someone in there. Once inside she found Jimin putting out some ingredients and pouring some cola into two glasses.
He was quietly humming to a song, his figure smoothly swinging along to the beat.

What a heartthrob.

"Morning." The kitten mumbled, deciding to be nice and make her presence known instead of scaring him.

Jimin glanced over his shoulder, a sweet smile crawling on his face as he noticed her puffy eyes and cheeks from the little nap. "It's noon, Kitty. Did you sleep well?"

Sephy nodded, stepping closer to the man so that she could circle her arms around his small waist and comfortably snuggle closer to his chest. Jimin chuckled, wrapping his arms around her figure, one hand rubbing circles on her back while the other caressed the back of her head.

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