Chapter 47 • The Surprise

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The chapter ahead is extra long, so enjoy! :) 💜
Hoseok cursed under his breath as he jumped from his chair, hands outstretched as if trying to grab the kitten, though Sephy was too quick. She had already burst through the door connected to the living room, bouncing inside full of expectation.

Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook froze in their track at the kitten's sudden appearance, big eyes guiltily staring down at her as if they had been caught doing something wrong, except that wasn't the case; Sephy was the one creating trouble.

"Sephy, I thought we'd agreed to stay in the kitchen," Hoseok scolded as he stepped in front of the girl, blocking the others from her view. One of his eyebrows was slightly raised, dark orbs peering down at her as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. He looked kind of intimidating, but that might have been because his heart-shaped smile was not on his face.

He was hot though.

"Uhm.....surprise?" The girl tried, blinking up at the man in hopes of charming herself out of the situation. Her big eyes somehow seemed to sparkle in command, a whole damn starry night present in her dark orbs as she cutely smiled at the man.
No matter how difficult it was for Hoseok, he ignored the adorableness in front of him, instead gripping her shoulders and gently yet persistently pushing her back.

The kitten followed his steps by walking backwards, eyes looking for a way out. It was like they had engaged in a dance she did not want to be in, not because she didn't like dancing, but because she was way too curious about her so called surprise.
In the little time that she had stunned the others with her sudden appearance, Sephy had spotted what she thought to be balloons. She wondered if they were toys for her and Taehyung to play with.

"Wait, but I want to know~" She softly protested, cute voice dramatically dragging as her finger pointed behind Hoseok to where she believed the others were standing. She could hear them moving around vigorously, probably hurrying to hide the stuff in case she managed to escape again.

"Patience baby, you'll know in a second," Hoseok mumbled lowly, reaching out to push at the kitchen door. Before he could do so it burst open a second time, an eager Taehyung running through, following Sephy in her footsteps.


"No, Taehyung! Stop!" Jimin was holding onto the hybrid, arms circled around his waist as he tried to stop him, but Taehyung's excitement gave him too much of an energy boost. The red panda ran forward as if Jimin was a mere blanket tied around his waist, unaffected by the fox's attempts to stop him.

"Hyung, I'm sorry, I tried!" Jimin yelled, still struggling to pull TaeTae back, though it was no use. Taehyung had seen everything already as the others did a pretty bad job at hiding the stuff.

Letting out a dramatic gasp, the boy spun on his feet and glanced back at Hobi, "Happy birthday? Is this for Sephy and I?!"

Happy birthday?

At the new information Sephy leaned to the side so that she could peek around Hoseok. The ears on her head shifted, big eyes blown up in awe as she stared at the pretty balloon Namjoon had failed to hide. Taehyung was right. It really said happy birthday in a sparkly silver cursive.
They were really throwing them a birthday party. Something they had never had before.

A loud sigh could be heard as Yoongi plopped onto the couch, giving up on their attempt to keep the whole thing a secret. His sharp eyes glanced around the room, shoulders casually raising in a shrug, "Yup, surprise I guess?"

The panther opened his arms in expectation, waiting for someone to hug him. He had been walking in and out of shops for the past couple of hours, had loads of people stare at him, either in awe, fear or judgement, and he honestly was so done with humans. That did not include his mates though. His mates he liked a lot.

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