Chapter 32 • Epiphany

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Oh alright then, a double update since you're all so lovely! 🌸
Five rough days had passed and everyone was still on edge, the incident fresh in their memory.

The doctor had taken both Taehyung and Sephy to the hospital for further examination, the latter giving him a really hard time doing so. She had both hissed and clawed at everyone who tried to touch Taehyung, her fierce glare permanent on her face.

Sephy didn't let anyone close to her TaeTae. Not when it had been others who had hurt him in the first place. It was only when Yoongi and Jimin arrived at the side-alley that the kitten allowed the doctor to touch the hurt hybrid. The two their arrival made her realize that she was possibly bringing Taehyung into more danger. He needed help.

Taehyung and Sephy were taken to the hospital, the both of them sharing a room as it turned out to be a short visit. The two had definitely taken a beating, but they were alright. No serious injuries.

Sephy had sprained her ankle and needed to rest for a week or so. No walking which could end up either being problematic or not difficult at all. It depended on her mood but sometimes she was incredibly lazy and other times she just couldn't keep still.

A doctor in training was brave enough to start the torturous task of cleaning the grazed wounds on her skin, sacrificing his hands to Sephy's little claws in process.

Taehyung mainly suffered from bruising and wounds, though he seemed to have taken some hits to the head as well. The doctor suspected him to have a light concussion and told him to rest and take things easy. If things were to worsen, they needed to give him a call.

The two were free to go home which was an awkward trip with Sephy needing help to walk even though she seemed to hate them all in that very moment. She insisted on Taehyung being close to her and Jin as far as possible. The only ones she really listened to were Yoongi and Jimin as they hadn't been present when Tae got hurt.

Once arrived at their house, they helped the two to their room, Taehyung sleeping his pain off while Sephy loyally stayed with him to take care of him. She cuddled with him, helped him eat, made sure he was comfortable and entertained at all times and that for five days long.

Every time one of the others entered their room she was on edge. She reacted aggressively and dominant, something she hadn't really shown the others yet, but in that very moment it felt like she had to.

On day three, the kitten had allowed Jimin to help the red panda take a shower, but that was it. She made sure no one else touched Taehyung and gave them the cold shoulder. Very rudely so. She glared at them and hissed at them. The others had even heard the occasional curse word or threat slip past her lips if they stared at either of them for too long.

They tried to be understanding, to give them space even though their instincts were telling them to go into the bedroom and take care of the wounded pair. Sephy's constant blaming and venomous eyes didn't settle too good however. How was she expecting them to apologize if she wasn't communicating like a normal person?

Every time they tried to get her to talk, she would ignore them or call them names. She was obviously hurt, but they didn't think her behaviour was fair.

On day five Jimin had enough.

"Sephy, Hoseok is going to help Taehyung take a shower and I'm taking you downstairs to eat something. If you like it or not, we are going to talk about this."

A frown etched on Sephy's face as Jimin burst into the room. He stepped towards the bed with a certain confidence she hadn't seen the previous days and she honestly didn't know if she liked it.
Hooking his arms around her form, he gave her no time to plan an escape as he picked her up and held her firm against his chest, still aware of her injuries.

Bubble Baths and Glaring Eyes • BTS hybrid FFWhere stories live. Discover now