Chapter 39 • Night fears

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The evening passed in a very relaxed manner, the schedule being filled with cuddles, eating snacks, watching a film, laughing and even more cuddles. Where Hoseok had protested to watch a certain film known for it's terrifying scenes, Jungkook's big shiny eyes had him giving in to the boy's pouty request.

Sephy had never watched a horror film before and was quite amused by all the fake blood, creepy music, and dreadful build-ups to jump-scares. Her favourite thing of the night, however, were the constant shrieks and cries coming from her two favourite humans.

Jin and Hoseok spent the evening screaming and cursing, somehow ending up hugging the person next to them which for Jin turned out to be Yoongi who was equally as unamused by the film, and for Hoseok Namjoon's chest deemed to be his safe haven, the wolf not being too bothered by the scary stuff.
Both Jimin and Taehyung were hugging each other, cries and shouts of protests occasionally leaving their lips as they hid behind pillows throughout the film, though the fox mostly directed his anger and insults at the main character's questionable choices.

Jungkook and Sephy were the only two laughing and giggling at the film, comfortably sitting next to each other in front of the couch and eating all of the snacks. They were having a great time.

When it was night the youngest four went to bed first, Taehyung deciding on sharing his bed with Jungkook so that he would be able to sleep calmly, while Jimin and Sephy went to their own rooms to have a bit of privacy after a day of socialization.

The night went by quite soundlessly until at three in the morning lightning struck, literally. The peace and quiet of the evening had made place for rageous clouds, freezing showers and lousy thunder. There was a shift in air, one that awoke a drowsy Jungkook quite abruptly so.

Where normally the cheetah was properly passed out when asleep, at times of a storm his ability to drown out every little thing around him seemed non-existent. When the first bolt of lightning struck a tree somewhere on a high point, the boy shot up straight in the bed. His breath was uneven, eyes opened widely as he tried to make sense of what was going on. When the first flash of blue lit up the room through the curtains, closely followed by an ear-deafening blow of thunder, the boy flinched, hairs on his body all standing straight.

He had a bit of an inner struggle, wanting to open his big eyes to search for Tae, but also not wanting to see anything in case the next flash of lightning would surprise him.
The cheetah settled on blindly feeling the bed next to him, patting the surface until he found the curled up lump sleeping next to him.

"Taetae-hyung? Hyungie?" He shook the red panda's shoulder, desperation clear in his hushed voice. Taehyung let out a low groan, slowly blinking open his eyes, a deep frown etched onto his beautiful skin as he squinted to look at Jungkook.

"Kookie? What's wrong? Why are you waking me? Did something happen?" Tae's low voice rasped through the room bringing a sense of comfort to Jungkook, though the comfort completely vanished when another loud noise from the outside war interrupted the words of concern. Jungkook let out a little gasp, diving for the boy next to him and hiding his face in the crook of his neck.

"Ah, are you scared of the thunder?"

A little nod was all he got in return, followed by some whimpering and squirming when the room lit up again.

"It's okay, baby, I'm here. We're inside, we're safe, the thunder can't do anything to us." Taehyung reassuringly murmured, pressing some kisses to the boy's forehead and securely wrapping his arms around him.
He could feel Jungkook flinch with every sound and flash of lightning and it honestly broke his heart. He understood his fear of thunder though, he used to be scared of it as well.

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