Chapter 49 • Goodbyes

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Yoongi could only clench his jaw and curl up his hands into tight fists as he watched the jaguar hybrid interact with his cub. Jealousy was an understatement for what he was currently experiencing, many emotions moving through his system like a whirlwind and overpowering his moral thoughts. His instincts were screaming at him to get up, jump the man that was sitting way too close to Sephy for a casual conversation, and obliterate him to the point where he would be too scared to even think about the panther.

Yoongi didn't act on his animal instincts however, stiffly sitting in the couch with his mates on either side of him for comfort, though all of them were distraught and overwhelmed by the sudden visitor. The atmosphere was tense, seven pairs of eyes trained on the little kitten comfortably sitting in the grass outside as she caught up with the large man in front of her.

Where Sephy had been annoyed with Manu in the beginning, the moment he had dropped his 'big fighter' attitude, the girl had turned soft. The two treated each other warmly like friends, though you could definitely tell that the man had more of an authoritative role in their relationship. Sephy was respectful and obedient when talking to the jaguar almost as if talking to a teacher, though the two joked around as well. They had a natural chemistry that was obvious to all of the mates. It's what worried them.

Yoongi felt the nails of his fingers press painfully into the palm of his hands as he watched Sephy laugh that pretty laugh of hers. On a normal occasion he would have melted, maybe pull her into his lap so that he could hug her or maybe just admire her from a distance, but today he wanted nothing more but to throw a blanket over her small form, believing that if others couldn't see her, she would be safe. She was laughing because of Manu, a man he still couldn't believe he had actually allowed into his house, close to his home. His seven homes actually.

"Hyungie, you're hurting yourself..." Jungkook muttered, hands coming to rest on top of the panther's fists. Both Jungkook and Taehyung had pressed themselves against Yoongi the moment he sat down, seeking comfort and security from the alpha. Yoongi however was too wrapped up in his own emotions to give them what they needed.

A sharp huff escaped his mouth as he realized that he had been holding his breath, tense muscles forcing his fists to loosen so the Jungkook could pry away his fingers from his palm and softly kiss the surface. Taehyung tightened his arms that were wrapped around the panther's stiff form, a soft whine leaving his throat as he pressed his nose against the man's neck.

Yoongi new that his tense form and the amount of pheromones that were wafting off of him must have been very unsettling for the younger ones, but he couldn't help it. He was annoyed by Manu's earlier attitude, jealous at the way they were sitting so closely in the garden, mumbling words to each other as if they were sharing secrets. He was angry for letting the man inside, but most importantly he was absolutely terrified.

There was no doubt that Sephy loved them all, they were her mates and nothing could change that fact, but the man she was looking up at with her big sparkling eyes, was also the man who had helped her in her darkest periods of time. Sephy and Manu only split ways because they were forced apart. Could a mate really compete with a parent figure?

He couldn't even count the many times Sephy had mentioned the jaguar before he suddenly decided to appear on their front step. She obviously cared for him, looked up to him, had respect for him. A lot of similar emotions she seemed to have for them, yet in such a different way.

Manu was her driving force. A steady rock she could clamp onto in the middle of a strong river. Someone who had raised her when she had literally no one, supported her and cared for her since day one. The seven of them simply treasured her. Spoiled her with presents and food, showered her in love and affection. They were comfort where Manu was assurance.

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