Chapter 23 • Night Night Talks

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Sephy awoke in the middle of the night feeling restless. The four had crammed into one bed, Taehyung laying in the very middle with his back turned to Sephy who was laying on his right. Kookie was being spooned by the red panda, laying on the very left of the bed, while Jimin had insisted on holding Sephy.

She felt too warm in the bed of hot bodies, especially with Tae having a higher temperature because of his rut.
The comfort of having the three around her had been very nice to fall asleep to, but no matter how much she tried to re-enter dreamland, she just couldn't.

Heaving a soft sigh, the girl carefully wriggled above the blankets. Jimin had his arms wrapped around her, one arm acting as her headrest, while the other was draped over her figure. Luckily his hands were also touching Taehyung. She figured that if she wriggled out of the hug, he might crawl closer to Taehyung and spoon him without waking up.

Setting her plan into action, the kitten smoothly lowered herself, holding her breath when she heard Jimin let out a little protesting whine, but fist-bumping the air in victory when he snuggled closer to the red panda.

Mission accomplished.

Being as quiet as a shadow, Sephy left the room, not bothering to put on more clothes than her pajamas that existed of the little top en shorts she had taken a liking to. She felt too hot. She wanted something to drink.

Creeping down the stairs, the kitten made sure to keep her ears on alert, listening that she did not accidentally wake someone.
She skipped the last step, knowing that it would creak and silently made her way to the kitchen.

To her surprise, Sephy could see that the lights were on. She wondered if someone accidentally left it on, but was quickly proven wrong when she heard a repetition of random sounds.

"Pah, pah! Pah pah pah pah pahbam pah bam pah!!"

Creeping into the room, the kitten watched how Hoseok was quietly dancing to his self-made beat, the camera of his phone facing him so that he could record his dance.

"Pah and three and pah pah tah!"

Sephy was in awe with the way the man moved so smoothly yet so powerfully. She remembered him being a dance teacher for little kids and teens, but she had never actually seen him dance. He looked so cool.

Hoseok snapped his hips in a slight thrust before spinning on his feet. He momentarily turned his back to the camera mid-movement, but stopped completely when he noticed the little kitten standing in the door opening that he had sworn was closed only a second ago.

He gasped out loud, barely keeping himself from screaming at the sudden apparition.
His hand flew to his chest as he fell to his knees, panting from surprise.
He had not expected someone to be there.

Sitting back on his feet, the man glanced up at the kitten that was blinking at him with twinkling eyes. "Sephy, you startled me! What are you doing up?" He whispered, slowly getting off the floor.

"I felt too hot to sleep. Want something to drink." Her tail swung slowly behind her, small form rocking back and forth on her bare feet.

Hoseok observed her heated face, quickly pausing the recording on his phone and pulling back a chair for the girl. He patted the surface invitingly, "Sit."

While Hoseok moved to pour the girl some water in a cup, Sephy took place on the chair, her knees curling close to her body.
"You look really cool when you dance!"

The man chuckled at the amazement clear in her voice and handed her the cup, watching how she immediately gulped down the liquid. "Do you think so?"

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