Chapter 40 • Sephy's breakfast

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It was early in the morning when Sephy tiredly blinked open her eyes. She noticed the blanket hanging above her head and vaguely saw the fairy lights shine despite the bright of the day. Casting a glance to her right, the kitten noticed both Jungkook and Taehyung loosely wrapped in each other's arms as they happily snored away. The two looked very peaceful and cute, completely content in each others' presence.

There was one more presence than just the two of them though. A certain fox that must have slipped behind her when she was asleep. Turning around so that she was facing the man, Sephy took her time to admire the pretty face in front of her. The soft cheeks, pouting lips, messy hair and overall softness that Jimin portrayed as he snuggled a bit closer in his sleep was absolutely adorable. The amused smirk and mischievous eyes from day-time Jimin always managed to melt into something almost innocent when he was asleep. It was a kind of power no one could resist, not even the blank-faced kitten.

Reaching out to caress the base of the fox's long ears, Sephy couldn't help but smugly grin when the boy unconsciously let out some sounds of approval, the feeling of her nails scratching his sensitive skin welcomed even in dreamland.

She continued the gesture of affection for a couple of minutes, lazily taking her time to wake up properly. When the sleep had mostly vanished, the kitten became awfully aware of her rumbling stomach; she was hungry.

Carefully wriggling her way out of the blanket fort, the girl ventured to the kitchen in search of some food. When she entered the silent room, she couldn't help but notice the obvious lack of mates that usually would have been up already. There was no cheerful Hobi making the breakfast and no blinking Jin enjoying his coffee while he waited for the food.

Maybe it was still too early, she hadn't checked the clock after all.
Sparing a glance out the window, Sephy noticed that the first rays of sunshine were slowly rising above the hedge, colouring the garden in nice golden tones.

It must have been the start of the day, but no matter how early it was, that didn't change the fact that she was hungry.
If there was no one up to make her breakfast, then she would just make some herself. She had seen the others do it many times, so how hard could it be, right?

Opening the fridge, the girl tapped her lips in thought as she observed all of the bottles and ingredients. She wanted pancakes, but what did you need to make that?

Remembering that she had seen Jin use some eggs when making her some of the sweet delicacies, the kitten hurried to the table to drag one of the chairs in front of the fridge and climbed on it, standing on her tippy toes to grab the carton box.

Jin kept the eggs on the highest shelf on purpose so that she couldn't touch them. Why, she wasn't sure, but it could have something to do with the fact that the sound of the shell breaking amused her to the point where she had dropped eggs on the floor on multiple occasions. Sephy was completely aware that throwing eggs around wasn't the way to go, but it was also one of the simplest ways to get her mates' attention without having to ask them directly. The kitten got bored once in a while, a bit of trouble did wonders to that boredom.

Putting the box on the counter, Sephy started with grabbing a pan and cracking the eggs inside. She figured a pan would be a good way to start making pancakes as the word was literally in the name.
Ignoring the tiny bits of shell that had fallen into the raw egg whites, the girl thought of what to add next.

Pancakes were sweet...

Her eyes fell on the sugar pot standing on the counter. Deciding on making the pancake even sweeter than normal, she took off the lid and shook about a fourth of the sugar onto the eggs, many of the white crystals falling onto the counter and floor in process.

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