Chapter 5 • The Comfy Carpet

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"Let's move to the living room. I think that was enough information for the day, though if you have questions don't hesitate to ask them." Jin announced, standing up from his seat to put the empty bowls and plates into the sink. He blinked at the pile of stacked up dishes that smugly stared back at him, a load of plates and pans from breakfast waiting to be cleaned.

He turned back to his friends, planning to get someone else to do the job.
"Rock paper scissors, the loser does the dishes!" The man held out his fist, waiting for the others to join hands.

Sephy watched in confusion as they all moved their hands up and down at the same time before making different gestures. A clenched fist, open palms and a peace-sign turned side-ways. There were cheers of relief, people laughing and clapping their hands in excitement as they didn't have to join the next round.

She had no idea what was going on.

In the end Jin threw the place-mat he had been holding onto the table in disappointment, a long sigh leaving his full lips. Sephy's ears shifted at the sound, startled by the sudden outburst.

"Hyung, you should know by now that every time you try to get someone in trouble, you're always the one paying in the end!" Jimin laughed, his eyes forming into crescents as he wriggled around in his seat. "It's just how things work."

"I'll help since you've already cooked them a meal." Namjoon offered, patting the oldest on his shoulder. The two stood up, walking to the sink and started the boring task of scrubbing the bits of leftover food from the plates and pans.

Jimin pushed back his chair, lifting his arms above his head to lazily stretch as he shuffled into the living room. Yoongi followed him, though he was less noisy than the yawning desert fox.

"What just happened?" Taehyung questioned. The expression on his handsome face showed how confused he was.

"Rock paper scissors. You don't know the game?" Jungkook asked.
Taehyung shook his head cluelessly. The cheetah hybrid let out a gasp, quickly scrambling closer towards the red panda and proceeding to explain the game to him.

Sephy listened to the explanation as well, though she did so casually. Keeping her eyes on the table in front of her, only discreetly glancing their way once in a while.

A warm hand gently touched her upper arm, grabbing her attention, "Sephy, would you mind me helping you brush your hair?"
Hoseok sported a delicate smile as his eyes wandered over the wet knotted locks of strawberry blonde hair that reached her bum.

She hadn't had a haircut in years, let alone brushed through the tangled mess. It would be a long task to brush through all of it, so the fact that Hoseok offered to help her, and that without her even mentioning her hair, was very kind of him.

She decided to give him a chance.

"I wouldn't mind."

"Okay. Let's move to the living room then, yeah? I'll grab a brush and some detangler spray."
Sephy nodded, casting a glance at Taehyung who seemed very intrigued with whatever Jungkook was talking about. He seemed content, happy even.

He was alright.

She followed Hoseok into the living room where Jimin was leaning against the armrest in the exact same position as when they'd first entered the house, and Yoongi was snuggled under a blanket in a comfy looking chair. His eyes were closed, one ear bud in his ear as he listened to music. He wasn't sleeping yet, but judging from the slow and steady breaths that left him, it wouldn't take too long.

"Go sit somewhere comfy, I'll be right back."
Hoseok disappeared up the stairs, leaving her to find a place to sit.

Sephy ignored the two other hybrids sitting in the room and inched closer towards that perfect spot on the soft carpet, right in front of the fireplace, that she had been eyeing from the moment she first stepped into here.

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