Chapter 35 • Mating-marks (2)

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Before Taehyung could react to the nickname that sounded surprisingly hot coming from the fox's lips, Jimin had leaned forward, messily kissing his friend.

The red panda was slightly taken aback by the force with which Jimin pushed his mouth open, though after kissing for some seconds as if his life depended on it, the man slowed down the pace to something more manageable.

Taehyung couldn't help but hum at the feeling soaring through his body. It was a certain fire in the pit of his stomach that crackled with every little sensation created by the other hybrid. The warmth was different from the one he felt on his heat; it grew slower and moved way more sensually, though the steady build-up could easily outrace the feeling of his heat. Where that was similar to a sudden wake-up of hormones, almost like an alarm-clock going off in the morning, the feeling of kissing Jimin was like turning around in your bed, knowing that you could take all the time in the world to open your eyes.

It was so much more...satisfying.

Jimin pulled back, sparing the boy some time to get some air in his lungs. He chuckled at the sight in front of him, the flushed cheeks and wonder-filled eyes. It seemed Taehyung would be just like Jungkook for Jimin. A submissive little baby.

"Come sit on my lap." The desert fox ordered, straightening his legs so that Taehyung could straddle his thighs.

The red panda did so without a question. He had liked being the dominant one for Yoongi and Jungkook, but obeying orders would always be something that felt more natural. It gave him a thrill, having others tell him what to do, as long as he knew he could trust them that was.

Once Taehyung was seated on his lap, Jimin pulled the boy by the back of his neck, reconnecting their lips. The hungry kisses continued, though as Jimin himself was a bit too excited to finally be in lead again, they turned very sloppy and messy. Taehyung didn't seem to mind though. Contrariwise, he let out another whimper-like hum.

Next to the two men, Jungkook was watching the exchange with big eyes. He fiddled with his shirt, glances shyly finding the girl sitting next to him.
He didn't have the courage to actually ask her if she could mark him, but luckily Sephy noticed his bashful gaze.

"Kookie." She held open her arms, motioning the boy to come closer.

A little smile made it's way on Jungkook's lips as he eagerly crawled across the bed, immediately climbing onto her legs which felt a little strange as she was so small compared to his hyungs, but he found that he liked it anyways.

Yes she was small, but she was also very soft and cute and she smelled nice. Besides, the look in her darkened eyes was similar he had seen on the others. She was easily as dominant as Hoseok; for him at least.

Jungkook bit his bottom lip at the thought, slightly wiggling in her lap unable to contain his excitement.

"Kookie..." Sephy dragged out, one of her long nails slowly trailing from his neck down his chest while the other hand tangled in his fluffy hair.

"Y-yes?" Jungkook gasped, his eyes closing at the feeling of his ears being played with as well as the tingles that seemed to follow wherever Sephy's fingers touched him.

"I can tell that you want something, but you'll have to use your words and speak up, or else you won't be getting anything." The kitten calmly explained.

Jungkook who had been enjoying her touches, let out a protesting whine when they all disappeared. He blinked open those beautiful glossy orbs, a slight pout pulling on his lips as he looked at the girl under him. She had put her hands behind her, casually leaning back as she listened to his whining, head slightly tilted to the side and one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows raised, "I'm waiting."

Bubble Baths and Glaring Eyes • BTS hybrid FFWhere stories live. Discover now