Chapter 43 • The 95 line

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~A little warning for those who are uncomfortable with any type of smut, this chapter is basically just people kissing~

"Sephy, baby, I was wondering, when is your and Tae's birthday?" Jin walked into the living room where the kitten was lying underneath the couch. Why she had chosen that spot was a mystery to him, but being used to her strange preferences the man didn't question it.

The moment they had returned home, Sephy had transformed back into her human form, the process of shifting taking away a lot of her energy.
While Jimin and Taehyung had gone upstairs to nap, as well as Jungkook and Yoongi, Sephy refused to because she was convinced that she wouldn't be able to sleep at night if she went for a quick nap now.
Instead the girl had been lazying around the living room, just lying in random spots and daydreaming about whatever was going on in that mind of hers.

"Birthday?" Sephy tilted her head to the side in question, rolling on her back so that she could look up at the man a bit easier.


"How would I know? I was a baby when I was born," the kitten innocently mumbled, fluffy ears shifting on top of her head.

"You don't know when you were born? Haven't you ever celebrated your birthday before?" Jin's features dropped into a saddened frown. Your birthday was supposed to be special, especially as a little kid, and from the sounds of it, the girl had never celebrated her birthday.

"Nope. My old pack could guess my age by the lack of skills and so from then on I just added a year every time winter passed. What is that like though? Do you celebrate the fact that you were born or that you're still alive?" A hint of curiosity waved into the girl's voice. She hurriedly scrambled from beneath the couch, crawling closer to Jin so that he could tell her all about this so called celebration.

"You celebrate both I guess. Often there's a cake with candles on top of it and you get to blow them out and make a wish. Loved ones will come to visit, give you presents and wish you a happy birthday. It's a day where you're in the spotlight and you get treated like the princess, prince or royalty that you are." Jin softly pinched the girl's cheek, proud to notice how much they had grown in chubbiness ever since she stepped foot into the house. He had done a damn good job feeding her and making sure that she would gain weight. Taehyung as well; the boy's tummy was the cutest.

"That sounds amazing! I don't believe TaeTae ever had that either! Does that mean we get to have a birthday as well?" Her eyes sparkled in excitement at the thought. Jin couldn't help but chuckle as he nodded his head, form leaning down so that he could press a peck to her forehead.

"Of course you two can, speaking of, why don't you go and wake Taehyung and Jiminie. They've been sleeping for quite a while and I don't want them to be awake all night because of a lack of sleep."

"Alright!~" Turning on her feet, the kitten slowly made her way upstairs. She tiredly rubbed her eyes, a little smile appearing on her face as she imagined celebrating her birthday with her mates. She wasn't sure when it would happen, but the fact that she would actually get a birthday party made her feel very warm and fuzzy inside. She felt cared for.

She was sure that TaeTae would love it as well.

Stopping in front of Jimin's room where the pair had gone to sleep, Sephy pushed her ear to the door, listening if they had already woken up. Although the room was quiet, she could decipher some soft giggles and whispering coming from the other side.

Opening the door, the kitten wasn't even surprised to see the two all cuddled close, the blankets draped over their thighs, arms circling around each other in a friendly embrace and lips interlocked.

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