Chapter 37 • Project Save-the-Birdies

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After the delicious breakfast, the family had spent some more time cuddling in the living room. There was nothing else they wanted to do, though when Yoongi sadly had to retreat to his studio to finish a song he had been working on and Hobi had to perfect a certain choreography he wanted to teach one of his classes, the mates decided to spend some time apart.

Taehyung was walking through the hallway, thinking of who he would surprise with his presence and kisses.
Jiminie had joined Hoseok, wanting to dance as well. The two were in the basement that held a pretty fancy gym and even though they both looked really cool when they danced, Tae was not really in the mood to sit in a room that smelled of sweat.
Namjoon had also disappeared saying that he was going to see if Yoongi needed some help and as the wolf hadn't returned, Taehyung guessed they were both busy. It was definitely a tempting idea to go and bother them while they were busy, but there were more people in this house that could give him some attention.

He decided to stay out of trouble just this once.

Walking down the stairs, the red panda made sure to go one step at the time. He felt a lot better than he had six days ago, all the soft and happy feelings from his mates marking him having done a surprisingly good job at healing the hurt he had felt. The only thing that still bothered him was his head when suddenly standing up or moving too quickly. He just had to remember to take his time with things, which he didn't mind. The others took really good care of him as well, carrying him around when they noticed he was having trouble or giving him kisses to cheer him up and show their love.

"Taetae, you want to help us cook?" Jin questioned as soon as the hybrid entered the living room. The man had just gotten up, Jungkook tightly glued to his back as he was hugging him.

Taehyung thought about the offer. It wasn't the kind of attention he had been thinking of, but it still sounded fun. 
He nodded his head, fluffy tail happily swinging behind him, "Yes."

Following the two inside of the kitchen, Taehyung joined the little train by wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist. The cheetah giggled as he was now sandwiched between his two boyfriends, the sound causing Taehyung to laugh as well.
The three of them stumbled forwards, slowly making their way through the entrance as both Jungkook and Taehyung refused to let go.

Jin chuckled, allowing the two younger to cling onto him for a bit before ordering them to wash their hands. It was dinner time now, the day having gone by fast. Jin had decided on making one of the house's favourites with Sephy's precious strawberry ice cream for dessert as he had to tell her some bad news. He would worry about that later though.

Jungkook chopped up some onions, garlic and other vegetables while Jin tended to the meat. Taehyung couldn't cook for days, everyone knew that, but to not make him feel left out the others still asked him if he wanted to help. His job mostly consisted of taste-testing, fetching ingredients and plating the food. Right now for example, he was enjoying a sandwich while choosing what plates to use later.

His eyes fell on a fancy bowl with a squirrel in the middle, the cute little animal reminding him of something. His body tensed as he realized he hadn't seen Sephy anywhere. His eyes widened, tentative gaze falling on Jin, "Hyung, where is Sephy?"

"Sephy?" The man repeated, flinching away from the pan as some oil splatters tried to attack him. "I believe she's in the garden, why?"

"You let her go outside!?" Taehyung went into full panic mode as he jumped from his seat. A soft whine sounded from his lips as the quick movement hurt his head, hand waving through his curly locks to soothingly touch the spot

"Careful, hyung! You're still injured." Jungkook softly scolded, fingers caressing the red panda's cheek. He leaned forwards to press a soft kiss to Tae's lips, both of their senses tingling pleasantly at the feather-like touch of their skin.

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