Chapter 36 • Hobi's present

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It was early in the morning when Jin quietly opened the door to Namjoon's bedroom. After the lovely mating-process, the oldest had decided to make the others a feast for breakfast. All of their favourite dishes were waiting on the table, from pancakes, to scrambled eggs, to fresh fruits, to buttered toast and bacon. He had even gone as far as to pay a quick visit to the bakery close-by to buy some muffins and croissants.

The table was dressed nicely, eight plates placed among all the delicacies and a vase of flowers in the middle to add to the overall aesthetic. The only thing missing were his mates, which is why he was now sneaking back into the room to wake them up.

Jin's mouth automatically curled into a satisfied smile as he saw the view in front of him. While the oldest three had woken up, probably having something to do with them being alphas and Jin leaving the house, the youngest four were still properly passed out.

On the left side of the large bed was Yoongi, blankly staring at the wall as he tried to blink the sleep away. On either side of him were Jungkook and Jimin, comfortably snuggled into the panther's small form.
Jungkook's fluffy hair was pointing everywhere, though the boy lay still as a statue, the sleep completely having taken over. The only sign of life was the occasional smacking of lips and content sighing that left the cheetah's mouth.

Jimin's soft cheek was squished against Yoongi's shoulder, his plump lips pouted out as if asking the air for a kiss. The boy moved around a bit in bed, letting out some little whines as he slowly started to wake up.

Yoongi lazily turned his head to glance down at the desert fox. He noticed the slight furrow of eyebrow as the younger tried to blink open his tired eyes. To stop the fussing, the man pressed a little kiss to Jimin's forehead, reminding him that he was there and understood his struggling.

Who didn't want to sleep in instead of having to wake up early.

Next to Jimin lay Sephy, comfortably wrapped in Namjoon's right arm. The alpha was holding his phone in his other hand, scrolling through some kind of story he was reading. Taehyung was cuddled to the other side, holding the man like a little koala in his sleep, while Hoseok was back-hugging him, eyes observing his mates in adoration.

Overall they looked very cozy and cute.

"Good morning, loves." Jin whispered, trying not to scare any of them by speaking too loudly.

Jimin blinked at him, his puffy face pulled in a slight frown as he tried to remember what had happened. When he did, his eyes lit up, a happy little grin pulling on his lips, "Goodmorning my lovely boyfriends and girlfriend!"

The fox turned around to glance at the newest additions to his family. He wanted to see their reaction to his greeting, yet of course, the two were still asleep.

Crawling to sit on his knees, Jimin placed his hands on Sephy's shoulder as she was closest, shaking the girl awake. "Kitty, wake up! I just called you my girlfriend, you shouldn't be sleeping when that happens. Especially not the first time!"

Hoseok, who was glancing at the girl's face over both Namjoon and Taehyung's body, shook his head at the boy, "Minie, I'm not sure if that's a good idea."

Even though the expression on her face was quite peaceful, he could see the slight scrunching of her nose as the fox continued to push her. Instead of repeating his words to the bratty hybrid, Hoseok turned to Taehyung, running his fingers through the boy's hair to sweetly wake him up; Jimin wouldn't listen to them anyways. He liked annoying others.

"Seephyyy~" He chanted, the tip of his tail tickling at the kitten's face. His eyes were filled with mischief; the girl might not have moved at his wake-up call, but he could feel the growing irritation through their newly made bond. She was definitely hearing him.

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