Chapter 19 • Bathtub-buddies

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"Okay baby, new plan. Taehyungie seems to like his baths a little too much and can't help but splash the water, so instead of him, Kookie will be your new bathtub-buddie."

Sephy glanced around the bathroom with wide eyes while Hoseok put the bottles and towels in place. She wasn't quite sure how she had ended up from being hidden in Namjoon's room inside of a basket filled with blankets, to waiting in her underwear till the tub had filled.

It had all happened too quickly and now she was locked up here; her enemy had won yet again it seemed.

Observing the door and teasing the idea of making a run for it, Sephy got pulled out of that dream by Yoongi who made a noise of warning by sucking in some air between his teeth. The panther was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, simply there to make sure that she wouldn't try anything.

Sephy pouted at him, letting her eyes get big and flattening her ears against her head. She saw the man gulp, but he still managed to keep a straight face and shake his head no.

Letting out a sigh, the kitten defeatedly slumped her shoulders. This was really going to happen...again.

"Okay sweets, time to go in." Hoseok motioned for Kookie to step in first. He did, sitting down in the bubbly water that reached his chest.

The youngest held out his hand for Sephy to take, while Hoseok put his palm on her back, softly pushing her closer to the tub.
The kitten shivered at the feeling of the slightly cold hand on her skin, but moved along, tightly gripping at Jungkook's hand and stepping into the water.

Instantly a deep frown was etched onto her pretty face as she sank into the water, cringing from the feeling of her underwear and tail getting soaked.

Hoseok cooed, praising and sweet talking the kitten so that she would stay in the water, but of course, the moment he used the shower head to wet her hair, the kitten panicked.

Wildly moving around she let out a scared yelp, trying to escape the evil that was all around her. There was no way out, the water had already soaked her whole form so climbing out of the tub wouldn't help much. Still, she couldn't control the fear.

"Shh, shhh. Sephy! You're okay! I'm here, you're okay!" Jungkook spoke, grabbing a hold of the girl's hands so that she would physically feel that she wasn't alone.

His action seemed to work and maybe a little too good, because the moment Sephy remembered the cheetah was there with her, she scooted forwards, climbing onto the boy's lap and clamping onto him in hopes of avoiding the water.

"Uhh-uhm, S-Sephy-y," Jungkook stuttered her name, trying to pull her arms that were hugging his head away.

Too much contact. There was way too much contact between the two and the cheetah didn't know how to react.
When he first saw the kitten dressed in just her panties and bra, he thought she was very pretty, but now that he could literally feel the warmth of her soft skin pressing against his, shivers errupted everywhere throughout his body.

The underwear was too little he now realized as he succesfully pulled Sephy away a bit so that his face was no longer burried in her chest.
He felt hot, his face completely flushed red at the feeling of having the kitten straddle his lap. He shakingly let out a breath, ignoring any inappropriate thought that tried to taint his mind.

This was about Sephy, not his hormones screaming at the close aproximity of an attractive female.

"It's alright, I'm here. It's just some water, little kitty." Jungkook whispered, his sweet voice sounding like a song in Sephy's ears. He kept repeating the words while Hoseok rubbed her back, and slowly, she started to calm down.

Bubble Baths and Glaring Eyes • BTS hybrid FFWhere stories live. Discover now