Chapter 25 • A Sly Kitten

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Hoseok felt his heart drop at the sudden interruption. It was as if the spell had broken and he finally realized what he was doing.

Letting out a gasp the man hurriedly crawled off the bed, stepping behind his oldest boyfriend who was glaring at him disapprovingly.

"I-I, uhm, s-sorry." He was lost for words, not sure why he had lost control so easily. He was normally one to tease and take things very slow so that his partner was left a begging mess, but he had let Sephy tease him. Trick him into giving in to that hunger.

Jin let out a soft sigh, handing the man his plate. "Yoongi already warned me about hybrids being sneaky when in heat, but I didn't think you would be affected. We'll talk about this later."

Sephy let out a disappointed whine. Now that the kissing had stopped, the pain intensified again. She reached out her hands, this time focusing on Jin as she realized Hoseok wouldn't be allowed near her after all of that.

Jin put the plate with food on the little dresser, patting the sunshine's back. "Go to the others, I'll take it from here. It shouldn't be long before the medicine starts working anyways."

Hoseok heaved a sigh, biting his lip as he glanced back at the kitten before leaving the room.

"Oh and Hobi?"


Jin allowed an amused smirk to crawl on his face as his eyes traveled south, "You might want to take care of that."

Despite the blush that coloured Hoseok's cheeks as he covered the obvious bump in his pants with his hand, the man still managed to show a smirk in return, "Why would I when I've got many boyfriends willing to do it for me? Is Jimin downstairs?"

Jin chuckled, nodding his head, "Yoongi is as well. Have fun."

Hoseok nodded his head, this time closing the door behind him as he disappeared.

"Jinnie." Sephy pouted as she called the man's name, even more bothered now that she knew what was likely happening downstairs. "It still hurts."

The man heaved a sigh, sinking down next to the girl and using the towel to cool her damp skin. "I know baby, as I said the medicine should start working in a bit. Let's eat some breakfast, hm? It might help you feel a bit better."

Sephy meekly nodded her head, watching how Jin leaned to the side to grab the cinnamon bun and the bowl of fruit he had prepared.

"Can I cuddle you, please? Need some cuddles."

Unlike with Hoseok where she had been cute yet bold, the kitten realized that with Jin that tactic wouldn't work. He'd immediately recognize the straightforwardness and put an end to her sneaky little plan.
No, with the oldest who liked taking care of her, she decided that innocence, curiosity and neediness would be the way to go.
She would have to trick him into kissing her voluntarily.

"Hmm, does my little baby need some attention?" Sephy desperately nodded her head at the man's question, taking notice of how his voice had changed into a tone that matched her mood.

"Alright then, just some cuddles, but you have to promise me that you will eat your breakfast."

Sephy yet again nodded her head, crawling into the man's lap when she got permission and resting her head against his shoulder.

"Okay, go ahead and eat." The kitten made a protesting sound and pushed her nose against the man's skin.

"Sephy, you promised me, come on."
His tone dropped, warning her that she had to listen or else cuddle time would be over.

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