Chapter 38 • Rubber ducky you're the one~

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Sephy was nervously sitting on the closed toilet-seat, her small feet bouncing on the cold tiled floor as she watched Jin prepare the bath. Today was a first in many ways.
For example, Jin would be the one bathing her and Kookie instead of Hobi; he needed to take a shower himself after all the dancing. The sunshine of a man had somehow gotten her to promise that she would wash her own hair with the guidance of the oldest though, that being another first. It was normally Hobi who did it, but she understood that it would be way easier if she could do it herself. She wanted to do it herself, be independent despite her fear of water.

Last but nog least, this was the first time she hadn't ran away in hopes of hiding in such a good spot that they wouldn't be able to find her and that she wouldn't have to take a bath.
The kitten had followed the oldest up the stairs, figure slumped and tail limply dragging behind her as she had an inner argument about being obedient or just yeeting herself out of the window so that she could search refuge in the tree outside.

Jin hand grabbed her shoulders before she could make up her mind, guiding her into the bathroom.

She wasn't looking forwards to this at all. Her body, dressed in nothing but her underwear, was already covered in goosebumps and she hadn't even touched the water yet.

"Sephy~" Jungkook chanted as he entered the bathroom with a small grin on his face. The cheetah was wearing his black swim trunks, fit chest, arms and legs on full display. Even though there was a lot of attractiveness to look at, it were his dark glistening doe eyes that took her attention.

Sephy didn't bother answering the boy, a slight tilt of the head being enough to show her curiosity.

What had gotten him so excited all of a sudden? He used to dread bath time as much as she did, not because he didn't like the water, but because he said that it saddened him to see her so distressed.
There wasn't a trace of compassion present today, only happiness with a tinge of pride.

"Look! I fetched us a third bathtub-buddie!"
Jungkook moved his arm from behind his back, lifting his hand in the air to proudly reveal their newest friend.

Sephy's eyes filled with wonder as she stared at the yellow duck comfortably sitting between the cheetah's fingers. The little toy had cute eyes and a pair of eyebrows drawn above with black marker. Its beak made it look like the bird was pouting and in some way it reminded her of Jimin; it must have been the plumpness of the lips and the over all cutie energie.
No matter how awed she was by the little toy, her fascination grew even bigger when Jungkook squeezed the rubber ducky and it let out a cute little squeak.

"You like it? I thought you might would because Yoongie-hyung did when he first got here." Jungkook explained, handing the thing to Sephy. The kitten speechlessly observed the little toy, tail swinging in the air and eyes watching in utmost adoration as the duck sat flat on her palms. It seemed she was being very careful with holding the thing in fear of dropping it or accidentally breaking it.

A familiar chuckle echoed through the bathroom, Jin stepping up behind the youngest to glance at Sephy, "I think she likes it, Kook."

He ran his fingers through the boy's hair, smiling when the youngest leaned back into his touch, savouring the feeling.

"The bath is ready. It's time to get in."

Sephy momentarily tore her eyes away from her new friend, worriedly glancing up at Jin. The panic was slowly setting in as she realized that yet again she would have to withstand the awful feeling of water drenching her skin, hair and fur.
She had done this many times before though and she wasn't alone; she could do this, just like she always had.

Clutching the rubber ducky to her chest, the kitten slowly raised from the toilet-seat. Careful steps followed after Jungkook's tall figure, glaring eyes watching how he entered the claws of evil before her.

Bubble Baths and Glaring Eyes • BTS hybrid FFWhere stories live. Discover now