Chapter 26 • Sleepy Sephy

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Taehyung giggled at the TV as he snuggled closer to Yoongi, his head resting on the man's shoulder, arms embracing his small form.

After the shy confession that the two had returned in exactly the same manner, and Sephy changing her pajamas for an oversized T-shirt, the three had joined the others downstairs. Sephy got to choose the film and even though she enjoyed a broad amount of genres, as she felt very tired, the kitten settled for a story-line that was easy to follow.

First they had watched 'How To Train Your Dragon' and now they were watching 'Hercules' as Sephy insisted on admiring Meg.

The boys didn't mind, especially not when they got to enjoy the view of a sleepy Sephy desperately trying to keep her eyes open so that she could see her crush swaying around the screen.

Once Meg had left again, to the kitten's great sadness, she snuggled her head closer into Jin's shirt. She was seated on his lap, had been actually from the moment she had walked down the stairs and claimed the spot as hers.

Jin ran his fingers through her hair, softly playing with her ears until there was a constant purring coming from the content kitten.

It was the first time she had been comfortable enough to purr around all of the men and Yoongi couldn't help but sneakily record the sound without the others knowing. It was honestly the most relaxing and adorable thing he had ever heard.

As the film continued, Jimin cuddled closer to Tae and Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon also enjoying each others presence as they snuggled in one of the chairs.

Jungkook who refused to let the others baby him, was sitting in the corner of the couch. He had a fat pout on his lips, eyes observing the way Jin had the little kitten curled in his lap. "Why is she suddenly so attached to you? Did you bribe her with food?"

Jin glanced at Jungkook, slightly dumbfounded at the sudden accusation. Hoseok let out a chuckle, slapping the younger's arm, "What is wrong with her cuddling Jin-hyung? If she wants to sit there, then that's fine, Kookie. Jin-hyung didn't do anything."

Namjoon nodded in agreement, enjoying the way Hoseok was playing with his ears. He pecked the man's cheek, watching that sweet smile he adored so much form on his sunshine's face. "If anything it was Sephy who did something. She marked him, remember. It's not a surprise that's she is a bit attached to him."

Jungkook simply huffed, crossing his arms and focusing back on the film.

"Stop being such a little brat, Kookie. Come join our hug if you want attention." Jimin offered, secretly amused by the boy's behaviour.

Jungkook just shook his head, letting out another huff of air and rolling his eyes.

Sephy tiredly blinked open her eyes, having almost drifted off to sleep. She eyed Kookie, frowning in confusion, "JK sad?" She mumbled, taking notice of the pout and stubborn frown.

Jin pressed a kiss to her forehead, softly rubbing her back, "Kookie is just jealous, baby. He wants your attention, but is too stubborn to ask."

"Jealous?" Sephy tilted her head. She understood how annoying wanting something, but having too much pride to just ask for it was. She had that problem too sometimes.

It took a few seconds for everything to process as she was so sleepy, but when she did, she slowly started her way across the couch.

She climbed over all of the cuddling men, ignoring their giggles and shrieks of surprise, until she was happily settled on a shocked Jungkook's lap. She sleepily beamed up at him before letting herself fall limp against his chest.

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