Chapter 45 • The Campfire

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Jungkook and Taehyung howled the word as they danced around the fire like they were doing some kind of tribal offering, mouths coated in residues of chocolate and marshmallow. They were high on the sugary snack, having eaten too much to sit still. The others let them, watching in amusement as they did some weird little dances and pulled funny faces, making each other and all the mates watching laugh at their behaviour.

Jimin was cuddled up to Jin, the human being the only person stable enough to cuddle with the fox while he was close to starting his rut. The oldest of the family always had some kind of balance to him, both in energy and personality. You could count on him to cheer you up, care for you and know exactly what to do to satisfy your needs. His scent had the same effect. It was comforting, like breathing in home instead of a dizzying smell that had your hormones acting up. That's why Jimin had his nose pushed flat against the man's neck, curled up body snuggled cozily into the man's embrace.

"You know, I found a random vase with a pretty flower in it on the table this afternoon. Anyone know where that came from?"

Sephy's body stiffened in Yoongi's hold at Hoseok's question. She quickly forced herself to relax and act clueless, not wanting to change the mood by getting in trouble. Yoongi however, was quick to notice her switch in posture. He nuzzled his nose against the skin behind her ear, lips softly pressing kisses up and down her neck, "Little cub, you want to tell us something?"

Sephy shivered as his warm breath hit her ear, low voice vibrating against her skin. The girl's tail restlessly swung through the air, gaze glued to the fire so that she wouldn't have to make eye-contact with any of them. "Nope. I'm good."

She could hear Jin and Jimin chuckle at her casual rejection, the tone of her voice and look on her face betraying that she was actually guilty of whatever was going on.

"Come here," Hoseok mumbled, hands reaching out the steal her from Yoongi's hold and put her in his own lap.

They had been passing the three youngest around so that they could all scent them after having taken a bath, so the action wasn't unfamiliar, it was the look on his face that made Sephy uneasily shift in his hold. His dark eyes were staring straight back at her, eyebrow slightly raised as if bidding her to confess.
"Princess, do you know where that vase came from?"

Sephy held her breath, innocently shaking her head in denial.
Her insides were going crazy at his voice and posture. It was truly admirable how such a happy and bright human could radiate the kind of dominance that an alpha hybrid could. He didn't even had the hormones or the scent that normally intoxicated mates so that they would listen to their every word. Hoseok was amazing yet dangerous.

So so dangerous.

"You sure? Then what about the cutlery I found yesterday, or the pair of shoes from the day before that." Hoseok didn't raise his voice as he talked, calmly waiting for her to speak up. He knew what he was doing and he knew what was going on. He had figured things out the very moment he caught Sephy escaping through a tiny hole in fence, secretly on her way to the neighbor's house.

He simply wanted the little thief to confess.

The kitten let out a sigh, ears drooping guiltily, "N-no, I do know...I borrowed the items from the house next door," Hoseok tilted his head backwards, lidded eyes staring down at her. Sephy nervously swallowed, hastily stuttering through an excuse to save her ass, "B-but-but I was going to give it back! Simply wanted to look at the pretty thingies a little longer. I didn't steal though, just borrowed!"


Hoseok's short response made her all the more nervous and in the spurt of the moment, the kitten blurred out an apology, "S-sorry! I'm sorry! Sephy won't do it again!"

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