Chapter 34 • Mating-marks (1)

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Sephy's heart was beating loudly in her chest. She was sure the others could hear, but she didn't care as from the sound of it all of their hearts were beating louder than usual. Taehyung's was definitely the fastest and where Sephy felt nothing but excitement for what was about to happen, the red panda showed both thrill and nerves.

The two were sitting next to each other on Namjoon's bed, the surface stretching out widely around the hybrids. Not only being the tallest out of all of them, but also regularly sleeping with the others, the alpha's bed was so big that it could fit at least six of them if they squeezed together.
Namjoon had bought it so that he could cuddle more of his mates at once.

Mates that used to be five people, but now were about to become seven.

"Alright, as there are so many of us, if at any point you need a break or some time to breath, please let us know, okay?" Jin sweetly said, making sure that the two nervously waiting on the mattress knew this was all about communication.

A singular bite was enough to have someone feel like their body was filled with static energy simply because of the sudden shift in air around the two; the sudden clarity regarding their future interaction.
A mating-mark, two people biting each other, was way more intense as it not only decided the ranking, but it also connected individuals on a deeper level. You could feel what your mates were feeling, every single touch was like magic on your skin, the attraction grew so strong that especially in the beginning it would be difficult to leave each other alone.

Taehyung and Sephy had been through this. Their mating-mark decided that the both were quite equal in position, though Sephy was more of the dominant and care-taker. She was stronger than Taehyung.

For the six boyfriends the marks decided that Namjoon was the main alpha, he was kind of the leader in a way and others were to follow his words, which they did not mind as the wolf was very much for equality and good communication.
Though Namjoon was the main alpha, the marks had decided that Hoseok was the most dominate one. If he had been a hybrid, he would have gotten the ranking of an alpha as well. Jungkook and Jimin were generally the most omega-like ones among the six, though Jimin's bond with Yoongi also told them that the desert fox could be more dominant than the panther-alpha. Jin was on the same level as Namjoon, if this had something to do with him being the oldest though, they did not know.

It was quite strange how the markings worked, because the ranks could switch from person to person.

"Yoongi-hyung will have to start because he already marked the two, and Namjoonie-hyung should finish it as he is the head-alpha." Jimin decided, giving Yoongi a hurried push towards the bed.

The desert fox was too excited to wait, he just wanted to get to that point of pure connection. Of finally marking and being marked by the two so that he could call them his girlfriend and boyfriend.
He also kind of wanted to kiss them again.

"Easy, Minie. We've got all the time." Hoseok chuckled, pulling the boy against his chest, his hands resting at his small waist.
He lowered his face, pressing their lips together in some teasing pecks as to distract the boy.

Jin and Namjoon shared a look before pulling Jungkook their way. Namjoon sat down in one of the chairs that he had put in the room for reading purposes and grabbed the cheetah by the waist, guiding him until he was sitting on his thigh.
Jungkook's cheeks turned a soft pink as the wolf started sucking and nibbling at the skin of his sensitive neck, while Jin tilted his head upwards so that he could kiss the younger.

They were diverting their attention elsewhere so that the two about to be marked wouldn't feel awkward in their presence.

Yoongi hesitatingly crawled onto the bed, stopping when he was in front of the two and almost shyly crossing his legs. "You two sure you want to do this? There is no turning back after."

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