Chapter 31 • Your Fault

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"Aww, is the little hairball crying? Does it hurt?" One of the men loomed over Taehyung's curled up form, his mocking voice high-pitched as if talking to a baby. The man was wearing tight clothing, the slim-fitting material showing off his ripped muscles. It took no genius to figure that he was incredibly strong and often hit the gym.

The other three men laughed in response, highly amused by their friend's ridiculing.
Said man scoffed, kicking Taehyung in the back when he got no answer, "I asked you a fucking question! Did we punch you so hard that you turned deaf? Answer me, pet!"

It seemed someone wanted to die that day.

"You tell me, asshole!" Sephy launched forwards, a vicious hiss leaving her lips as she jumped at the man. Her nails impaled his skin, tearing the rough surface as best as she could, not specifically aiming for a spot; the bigger the drawings the better.

The man let out a pained scream, the surprise of the sudden attack leaving him incapable of fending the kitten off. It didn't take too long for his friends to react. A lanky guy, the only one of the four that didn't look like he did steroids as a hobby, managed to pull her away by the collar of her coat. Sephy turned around, changing her target and pulling herself free from his grip so that she could punch his face.

Her punches had always been top-notch -she had learned from an alpha after all- so it was no surprise when she heard the satisfying crunch of his nose giving in under the power of her fist. The man dropped to the floor, blood coating his skin. He let out a pained scream, cupping his face with his hands.

The group of friends watched in shock, not having expected such a small kitten to do so much damage. The guy in clothing a size too small however, seemed to have gotten back his sense the quickest. His face pulled into a scowl, balled up hands angrily signing for his friends to move, "What the fuck are you waiting for? She wants to play, so fucking teach her a lesson."

The two men nodded their heads, eyes focused on Sephy who was contemplating her options. She knew that she was strong and could do some serious harm, but she wasn't stupid either; these men were way taller and stronger than her. Besides, it was one against four....well three. It didn't look like the lanky guy was getting up any time soon.

"Girly wants to be the hero?" One of them taunted smugly, chuckling as if she hadn't just punched the heck out of his friend. The kitten lowered her stance, glaring eyes watching closely.

"I might keep you when I'm done with you. You're not too bad to look at and that little body of yours could come in handy." Sephy could feel her skin crawl in disgust at his perverted comment.

Someone had just volunteered to be the next target.

Pushing her feet against the rough asphalt ground, the girl threw herself at the man. The two tumbled for a bit, but she managed to slap him in the face, claws tearing his skin.
Hurrying to her feet, she pushed the heavy sole of her shoe into his stomach, using his abs to change direction and tackle the other man who was trying to sneak-attack her from the back.

She did everything she could, punch, kick, bite, claw, pinch, but even then three against one just didn't work.

The man who had been been mocking Taehyung, grabbed her by the collar and yanked her back. A pathetic cough left Sephy's throat as the little band cut off her breathing. The man didn't plan on choking her however, instead he let out an angry grunt as he picked her small form up and pushed her against the brick wall.

It was more a throw than a push.

Where she hadn't been able to breath due to the collar earlier, the impact of her back against the stone left her desperately gasping for oxygen again. She could feel her skin sting as the upper layer scraped off due to the rough surface of the wall. Her arms and back were covered in grazes and she was pretty sure there was blood dabbed along her cheekbone.

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