Chapter 22 • Whiny Tae and Grumpy Sephy

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Jin's prediction had been correct. After an hour or so, Tae's oncoming rut had lessened into a mild fever. The others were allowed around the red panda as he only felt warm and tired, but showed no sign that he wanted to jump the others.

Jimin and Jungkook, who after their discussion with Hoseok entered the room with puffy red eyes, fulfilled Taehyung's wishes to cuddle. Jungkook felt bad thinking he was the one who send Taehyung into his rut, so he tried to be as helpful as he could by following his every demand. Everyone did.

And Taehyung took full advantage of that situation.

"Can you turn up the volume. I can't hear." The red panda ordered Jimin,
lazily nibbling on the snack Yoongi made for him.

Taehyung was sitting on the couch in the living room, Sephy and Jimin perched on either side of him while Jungkook sat on the floor. He was massaging the hybrid's feet as Taehyung had complained about them hurting.

Sephy glared at the TV where the red panda's favourite film was playing, occasionally glancing at the man next to him.

"Drink please." As if he was a prince commanding his butler, he waved his hand in the air, dismissing Jimin after the desert fox held the straw to his mouth so that he could sip the juice.

Sephy almost scoffed at the way Tae was using his rut to get the others to do what he wanted. She didn't say anything to him about it though, not until he started bothering her.

Taehyung faked a big yawn, turning to pull Sephy closer to him so that he could rest his head on her chest. He rubbed his cheek against her front, sighing in content, "Aahh, so soft~"

The kitten's eyebrow twitched as she ignored the fact that Taehyung was making himself comfortable on her female assets, telling herself that he felt ill. She didn't feel like being hugged, but she was sure that he didn't feel like being in rut, even though the effects were less extreme this time.

Patience Sephy. Calm down, he's just a bit of a whiny baby today.

Tae let out multiple sounds, letting Jungkook know that he was massaging him too hard. The cheetah apologized, carefully going back to his assigned task while repeatedly checking in on his friend.

Jin let out an amused chuckle as he observed the youngest take care of the red panda, finding it entertaining that they all seemed so meek all of a sudden.
He stopped laughing when he met Sephy's glaring eyes. He had seen that look before and it had almost cost Jimin his pretty face.
She was ready to snap.

Hurrying to the kitchen, the man hastily grabbed some sweets, immediately clearing his throat when he came back. "I've got some sweets as a very late dessert. Tae, baby, you might want to let go of Sephy. She doesn't seem to enjoy it very much right now."

The youngest cheered, eagerly accepting the food, though Taehyung did not let go of Sephy. In fact, he held on to her tighter. "I'm sick." Was all he retorted as he made Jungkook open his sweet for him.

Sephy's ear twitched as she struggled to unwrap her piece, it being a surprisingly difficult task with a man holding you like a koala hugging a tree.

Once she succeeded the others had already finished, and Tae noticed. He smacked his lips together, eyes trained on the pink ball. "You know, I would like to have another piece. Since I'm hurt and all."

The kitten ignored him, bringing the snack to her mouth, though she found that she couldn't. The boy had grabbed her wrist, preventing her from eating the sweet.
Sephy hissed at him.

Taehyung made a disapproving noise, "You can't hiss at me! I'm ill! The sweet will make me feel better." Without waiting for her answer, he stole her piece of candy and ate it with a content smile on his face.

Bubble Baths and Glaring Eyes • BTS hybrid FFWhere stories live. Discover now