Chapter 17 • A Parrot's betrayal

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She had eaten the rainbow and it was the best thing in the world.

Not only did the colourful sprinkles look extremely pleasing to her eye, it tasted very sweet and made the soft ice cream crunch beneath her teeth.

To the others amusement, the kitten had basically shoved the whole thing into her mouth, eating it in less than a couple of minutes or so. The cold didn't seem to bother her and no matter how many times Jin told her that no one was going to steal it from her, Sephy didn't slow down. She didn't want to. It was simply too tasty.

The ice cream was so good even that Sephy didn't really care about the annoying little bell for the rest of the day. She was able to ignore it as she played around with the others. The nice taste of the rainbow still lingering in her mouth.

"Sephy! Be careful, you could fall!" Jungkook's voice sounded from below as the girl comfortably lounched somewhere up in a tree. The two had wandered away from the group again, playing their little hunting game until she decided to take things to a higher level.

Sephy glanced down at the cheetah, his eyes were blown wide in worry and fear. "Have you never climbed a tree before?"

Jungkook's cheeks flushed red as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head, obviously embarrassed that she had called him out like that.
Sephy noticed and sat up, moving to climb down, "It's okay! I could teach you if you want to?"

Jungkook shyly nodded, wanting to sit in the tree just like her. It seemed thrilling in a way, the height.

"Okay, come a little closer." She pulled at his hand until he was standing next to her and proceeded to explain what would be the quickest and easiest way to climb the tree.
Jungkook was a surprisingly fast learner and after a couple of instructions he had already reached the top.

Sephy followed and the two relaxed up in the tree for a bit, talking and laughing until they thought it was time to go back to the others.

They climbed back down and stepped out of the little group of trees. They had ran quite far away and were completely out of sight for the others, but weren't too worried. Lots of people had decided to visit the park today. It wasn't like they were alone.

"Well, well, well. Would you look at that." A nasal voice mockingly called out from behind. The two friends turned around, Sephy's eyes instantly darkening as she saw the figure.

His eyebrows were raised cockily, head slightly tilted so that he could look down on them. The parrot hybrid hadn't changed one bit. It were the same creepy light blue eyes, that crooked nose that she had been tempted to punch straight too many times and the same greasy colourful hair that hung around his pale face like strings of seaweed.


"What is little Persephone doing in the park? Are you looking for your Hades? Or have you already found him?"

Raeko eyed Jungkook looking snobby as ever. Sephy noticed the cheetah fiddling with his shirt, slightly intimidated by the parrot even though he was way bigger. The stranger had this nasty energy about him that made him want to run away.

"What do you want, Raeko." Sephy's voice was like venom. She glared at the man in front of them with such an intensity that Jungkook wouldn't even be surprised if the parrot suddenly burst into flames.

"Who is that, Sephy?" Jungkook pulled at the girl's shirt, not liking the way the man was smirking so smugly.

"Don't worry about it, JK. Why don't you go back to the others, I'll be there in a bit." It wasn't an offer, it was a demand. She wanted him to leave so that she could talk with the man who hurt the ones she loved.

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