Chapter 6 • Sleepy Sandwich

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After accidentally breaking not one, but three plates, Namjoon was officially banished from the kitchen. The wolf hybrid entered the living room heaving a low sigh, his tail hanging low between his legs, "Sorry guys, I don't know why this always happens."

Yoongi chuckled at the devastation clear in his voice, patting the man's shoulder as he sat down in the chair next to him, "Not always, just a lot."

"Yeah, don't worry about it Namjoonie. You do a great job when you're at work, when you're focused. We don't mind helping you with the things at home." Hobi smiled at him, putting down the brush and running his fingers through Sephy's hair to make sure he had gotten every knot.

Sephy quietly bit her tongue to prevent the purrs that were threatening to spill from sounding. She loved when people played with her hair and ears, and Hoseok was being so gentle that her senses tingled even more than normal. He was making it awfully difficult for her to show no reaction.

Luckily the man stopped.

"All done. Your hair feels nice and soft now. Do you want it blow dried?" Hoseok spoke in uncertainty, very much aware of how noisy the blow-dryer was. He didn't want to scare her, but she might get uncomfortable with the wet locks framing her face and neck.

"No, this is fine. I want to stay by the fire." The cat hybrid muttered, scooting forwards so that she was even closer to the colourful flames. She remembered her previous owners using a blow-dryer and the thing terrified her. The shape itself looked suspiciously harmful and then the loud sound it made only worsened the impression.

Hoseok nodded, putting away the brush and spray before comfortably sitting on the couch. Jimin scrambled to his feet, eagerly hurrying towards the human and seating himself in his lap. His legs rested at Hoseok's right as he sat sideways, small arms circling around the man's torso as he nuzzled his head in the crook of his neck.

All warm and snuggly.

Hoseok's eyes were trained on the mario kart game, though he did bring up his hand to play with Jimin's hair and ears, his other arm keeping a tight hold on the hybrid's waist.
The desert fox let out an approving hum at the attention he was getting, leaning in to softly bite the skin of Hoseok's neck, peppering that same spot with kisses after.

"Tae, you're going in the wrong direction again." Jungkook muttered, more focused on remaining first place than helping the confused boy next to him.

Taehyung observed the controller in his hand, carefully using the correct buttons to turn around, and racing after the bots who had gotten quite the advantage. "Oh."

The two continued their game, Jungkook cheering in pride as he won yet another round, while Tae was very pleased that he didn't come in last this time. The game had been very confusing at first with all the colours and figures, but now that he'd gotten used to the graphics, he slowly started to learn.

Jungkook shifted in his criss-cross applesauce position to glance at Sephy. He promised to show her how the game worked, and he and Tae had been playing for about an hour.
It was her turn now.

"Sephy I promised I would- oh."
The cheetah stopped mid-sentence, lips gaping in a little o-form as he blinked at the kitten. Sephy lay curled up in a tiny ball by the fire, her arms crossed to her chest, eyes closed and mouth relaxed.

She had fallen asleep.

As if the girl reminded him how tired he actually was, Taehyung let out a big yawn. He put the controller down, rubbing his eyes with his fists and slowly scrambling to stand up.

"Shall we wake her up?" Jungkook questioned, the thought of playing more games with the new friends tickling his mind. It had been so long since he had people his age to play with, apart from Jimin that was, he didn't want it to end.

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