Chapter 48 • Little Fighter

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Twelve years ago~

Raising his strong arms above his head, Manu let out a satisfied little groan as he felt the aching muscles in his back loosen slightly with the movement. Despite the many miles they had moved, it had been a relatively good day. They had managed to gather enough food for the next two days or so and their sleeping arrangements were perfectly endurable.

A spot on the soft grass in the park, sky up above filled with twinkling stars to keep him company and worn yet fluffy blanket to cover part of his tall body.
A stray police car would drive by every hour or so, making sure that the group of strays weren't causing any problems, but the men and women were actually too scared to approach them.
They were a group of predatory hybrids after all. Feral, as they were often called.

"Manu, Sierra took my blanket." The nasal voice of none other than Raeko loudly complained as the boy accusingly pointed at the female getting comfortable in the soft grass.

A low chuckle escaped Manu's throat as he observed the boy's whining behaviour. It wasn't something he normally appreciated, but as the parrot-hybrid was merely thirteen years old, he tolerated it. It was kind of fun to watch actually, though he hoped the boy would learn and grow quickly. As the alpha he feared for his survival; a whiny parrot among feral big cats? It would only take time for things to go wrong.

"Then you take it back." Many calmly responded, low voice vibrating in his chest. For a seventeen-year-old he had a lot of responsibilities, but he did not mind. Society had let him down often enough and responsibilities meant independence. Surviving as a stray wasn't easy, but the pack he had formed that consisted of kids and teenagers who were in similar situations as his made everything easier. As they were a big group they could split up and find food and shelter more easily, then there was also the fact that others didn't dare to attack them; they were simply too powerful.

"She's not giving it back!" Raeko complained, stomping his foot to the floor as if that would help his situation.

"Oh boo hoo, baby. Take another blanket, there are enough." Sierra sarcastically muttered, a yawn leaving her lips, showing her pointy canines in process, before she rolled her eyes at the boy.

Manu couldn't help but chuckle at his moody girlfriend. The snow white tigress was definitely a fiery person, but she could also be incredibly caring. It was the switch in personality that he liked so much about her, apart from the fact that she was absolutely stunning. A woman who wasn't scared to beat your ass, but would also kiss the wounds better when needed.

"But I wanted that blanket!" Raeko tried, though Sierra let out a loud growl, silencing the boy. He muttered some complaints before settling with another blanket, laying down on the grass a bit away from the group.

Manu heaved a sigh, pulling himself from his comfortable spot with the intend to talk to the sulking boy, but as he stood up, his ears caught some suspicious sounds coming from his left. Choosing to follow his instincts, the alpha quietly crept closer, noticing how the noises were leading him to their stack of food.

Was someone seriously stupid enough to try and steal from them?

Deciding to blend into the shadows of the trees and wait for things to play themselves out, Manu crouched down, his senses on an all time high. He was ready to jump the intruder, startle them with a sneak-attack and rip out their throat. No one stole from him. This had been a first in many years, but his tail was swinging with the thought of catching a prey.

Creeping a little closer to glance around the pile of boxes in which they kept their supplies, Manu was surprised when he saw two tiny little ears pop out from behind a bush. His eyebrows furrowed, trying to connect the ears to an animal.

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