Chapter 44 • Bathtub Brats

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"Taehyungie, you have to promise not to splash the water though. Normally I don't mind too much, but since Sephy is here as well, no splashing." Hoseok informed helping the excited hybrid out of his clothing. Taehyung was bouncing in place, happy that after all those months he finally got to share a bath with Jungkook and Sephy.
The boy had always loved bath time, but it would be even nicer with two of his friends instead of just Hoseok- or Jin-hyung to play with.

"Alright!" The man helped him into the bath. They were in a different room this time that held a bigger tub so that the three wouldn't be uncomfortable or too crammed. There was space enough for them to move around freely, but that also meant more water.
They believed that Sephy could do it though.

"Sephy, baby, lift your arms please." Namjoon lowly mumbled, trying to get the kitten to comply. Everything had been easy at first because the daze had been so strong that Sephy hadn't even realized the man's suggestion. The moment Jungkook entered and the bathroom door was locked behind his back is when she finally caught on to the whole situation.
The fight had been big as the girl felt like they had tricked her instead of just asking her, but one fierce growl from Namjoon's lips was enough to silence her song of hisses.

That's where they were now, Sephy's cute eyes trying to convince the wolf to let her go just this once, while the alpha tried to get her into the bath. He wasn't having any of it though, Sephy's resistance only made him more stagnant.

"Little cub, I think my growl from earlier was enough of a warning. Come on, take off your shirt and get your butt into the bathtub." Namjoon spoke calmly in his dominant voice, a hint of softness crawling into the tone. He didn't want her to think he was angry, he knew how much she disliked the water, but he just needed her to comply.

"But I-I don't- Y-you didn't- I-I-" Sephy stammered through her words, big eyes skimming through the room as she tried to think of a way to talk herself out of this. Her gaze fell to her feet, toes wriggling restlessly. A defeated sigh escaped her plump lips, eyebrows furrowing in sadness. She didn't like losing arguments, but she hadn't been able to prepare for this one as she didn't know she would be taking a bath. Besides, she was still very sleepy from the busy day; she was in more of a soft mood because of it.

A long slender finger curled under her chin, gently lifting up her face until she was staring back into Namjoon's dark eyes. "Princess, it will be over in the wink of an eye. You've done this so many times already, so let's just get into the bathtub and get this over with, okay?"

Sephy tried to give the man her saddest yet cutest face she could muster one last time. Her big glistening eyes blinked up at him, pink lips protruding in a slight pout.
No matter how much she tugged at his heart, Namjoon remained firm. "After the bath we'll hold a campfire and we'll give you as many cuddles as you like, okay? I'll even share my food with you, so please be strong." His thumb caressed her soft cheek, waiting for an answer.

Knowing that she wouldn't be winning this, Sephy nodded her head in agreement, hands reaching to pull off her t-shirt. Namjoon took the material from her hands, leaning forward to press a quick peck to her lips as a form of reinforcement.

"Sephy!" Jungkook called from out of the bathtub. Taehyung was sitting next to him, playing with his hair and tying the locks in little buns. "Look, I brought Jimin-shi as well."

At the sound of her friends name, the kitten's face lit up, ears straightening at the top of her head. Jungkook held up the little duck, making it squeak by squeezing its body.
A little gasp left Sephy's lips as she shyly made her way to the bathtub, hands reaching out to welcome the little duck in her gentle hold.

"Are you going in yourself, baby? Or do you need help?" Hoseok kindly spoke, patiently waiting for the kitten to climb into the tub.
Sephy shook her head, gripping at the edge of the tub and carefully stepping into the water. Her muscles stiffened, little hand reaching for Jungkook's as the fear settled in.

Bubble Baths and Glaring Eyes • BTS hybrid FFWhere stories live. Discover now