Chapter 7 • Intertwined

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Don't sneeze. Don't sneeze. Don't sneeze.

Namjoon sat on the couch with stiffened limbs, trying to suppress the urge to sneeze by scrunching up his nose. The itch had started very subtle, yet intensified by the second and now it was unbearably present. He couldn't scratch at his nose though. Sephy was curled up in his arms, sleeping peacefully like she had for the past hour or so. He didn't want to startle her awake.

"You okay there, Joonie?" Jin asked in amusement. He had been watching the wolf for the past couple of minutes, quietly laughing at the comical faces he made as he tried not to sneeze.

Oh how he loved others their suffering.

Namjoon nodded his head, accidentally touching the kitten's ears with his nose in process. The soft fur tickled at his skin, which was the last straw. No matter how hard the man tried, he couldn't keep in the sneeze that came to him like a volcano eruption, a loud explosion after the steady build-up, "ACHOOO!"

A surprised Sephy fell off the couch as soon as the booming sound echoed in her ears. She sleepily looked around her, not quite sure what had happened though the guilty expression on Namjoon's face and the laughter from the others gave her a pretty good idea of who had woken her up.

"I'm sorry, Sephy. I had to sneeze." The wolf apologized, awkwardly offering her a hand to help her up.

Sephy blankly stared at the awaiting hand, deciding to put her tiny one in his, but not use it to stand up. She simply shook their hands to show that it was okay before letting go, her gaze moving to rest on Jimin who had sat down next to her.

He showed her a beautiful smile, his melodic chuckle following after, "Why are you so cute!~" he cooed, pinching at her cheeks that were slightly puffy from her nap.
The desert fox opened his arms, ready to trap her in a warm hug, though Sephy didn't let him.

She had only met these people a couple of hours ago. Why was she allowing them to get so close to her? Yes they gave them food, a warm place to stay and clean clothes, but for all she knew that was merrily a Trojan horse. They could still betray them.

Sephy pushed Jimin away, her palm flat on his chest. Sensing the girl's change in mood, he let her, watching how she scrambled to her feet and made her way to Taehyung's side who was sitting next to Jungkook in front of the TV.

Any normal person would have understood that Sephy needed some space, Jimin did too, but he didn't like the rejection. He was about to give her a hug, she could have pushed him away afterwards. No need to hurt his feelings.
Deciding to press his luck, the man crawled closer to the kitten, his hands inching towards her fluffy ears.

"Jiminie, don't do it." Yoongi simply warned, sighing in his head. They were used to Jimin demanding affection, he didn't really take no for an answer which normally wasn't that big of a deal, but Sephy obviously wasn't in for it.

His big sparkling eyes innocently blinked up at the panther, quickly turning mischievous as they refocused on the kitten.
The moment the tip of his fingers grazed her fur, Sephy snapped around, swinging her hand in Jimin's direction.
Having quick reflexes, the desert fox managed to move back just in time to avoid the claws of death.

The two sat in silence, Sephy observing the man with glaring eyes, while Jimin grinned down at her smugly. Proud that he had avoided her attack.

Before the girl could react, Jimin spread his arms and tugged her in his tight hold. He seemed very pleased with his hug, judging the way he was rubbing his cheeks against her shoulder, but Sephy looked like she wanted to die. Her whole body had stiffened, simply too awkward to enjoy the boy's affection.

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