Chapter 20 • Surprise Kiss

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Socks, socks, socks~

After having quickly put on some comfortable clothing and finding the fluffy socks that had rolled beneath the bed, Sephy hurried down the stairs. Her hair was still dripping wet but she didn't want to face the hairdryer of doom, so instead of going back to the bathroom, she decided on looking for someone downstairs.

She needed some contact to calm her down after facing her fear.

"Sephy!" Taetae called her name as if he had read her thoughts. He was standing next to one of the chairs and patted the seat, motioning for her to sit down so that they could cuddle away her worries.

The kitten quickly waddled towards the leather armchair, settling down in the surprisingly soft cushions -this was her first time sitting in the chair as it was usually Namjoon's spot- and welcomed Taehyung as he eagerly climbed onto her lap, nuzzling his face into her hoodie. "Your hair is still wet."

Sephy shrugged, playing with the collar of his white t-shirt. "Yours isn't."

Taehyung pulled away, rolling his eyes at the dry response, before reaching up to softly rub her ears. The red panda giggled as his friend completely relaxed under the touch, loud purrs sounding from her throat.

"Was it really that bad?"

Sephy shook her head, loving the way Tae's warm body felt on hers. His experienced fingers played with her sensitive ears, knowing exactly where to press to make her tense body calm itself and fill with a euphoric feeling.

He stopped far too soon for Sephy's liking, but knowing how things could end if he didn't stop in time, the kitten didn't make a deal out of it.
Instead she booped her nose against his. "It was scary, but Kookie sang me a very pretty song."

Taehyung pouted, "I wish I heard that."

The duo fell silent as they looked each other in the eye, comfortably sharing a moment. She always felt so at ease with Tae around. Like worries were problems of the future and time wouldn't mind waiting for a bit as long as the two were together.

Leaning in to press their lips together, the two connected on an even deeper level. Their innocent pecks turned into sweet tongue twisters, leaving them both to enjoy the warmth glowing in their stomachs.

"Uhm, what's going on here?"

Jin's surprised voice broke the two apart from their kiss, leaving Sephy to lazily blink around the room.

Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi were standing in the entrance of the kitchen, their eyebrows raised in confusion. On the other side of the living room, Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook were frozen in place, their facial expressions surprisingly shocked.

What was up with their faces?

"What is going on here?" Taehyung repeated Jin's question in confusion. Did they do something wrong?

The men took a bit to compose themselves before slowly moving to sit down on the couch. Jin scratched at his neck, face slowly turning red, "Uhm, you two were, um. What were you- uhm, y-you-"

"You were kissing." Yoongi interrupted the stuttering man by stating the obvious. He sank back down on the couch, not too surprised by catching the duo kissing.

Bubble Baths and Glaring Eyes • BTS hybrid FFWhere stories live. Discover now