Chapter 8

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- Chan Mi -
I suddenly realized that Yoongi wasn't here with us. "Kookie?" I asked. "Ne?" He answered. "Why is Yoongi here?" I asked. "He has to do things I guess. Plus, I'm was in school and not with them!" He said. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Well psh, mianhe!~ I forgot that you were in school with us too hehe" I said, doing aeygo. He smiled which really made my stomach be filled with butterflies. "Kyeopta~" he said and pinched my cheek. I blushed.


"I'm so full! I want to take a stroll in the park!~" I said. "Omona, I can't even move right now.." Taehyung said. I laughed. "Well then I'll-" I said when I was being cut off. "I'll go with you~" Jimin said and we started walking.

It was a breezy night. I breathed in the air. "This is refreshing~" I said. Jimin laughed and he put his arm over my shoulder. "Let's take a selca!~" Jimin said. "Aniyooooo, I look disgusting!" I said. He chuckled. "You look pretty" he said and moved me closer to him. My heart started beating faster. Aish, it's just a compliment. I smiled for the picture. "Let me see! .... Wow, it turned out great!~" I said. He smiled. "Yah!" We heard someone calling out for us. Namjoon was giving the signal to go over there. "We're going home!" He shouted. We nodded. "I'll race you there. One two three!" I shouted and we ran. I won him by a few seconds. "HAHA I WON YOU!" I shouted and stuck out my tongue. "I pity you that's why you won!" He shouted back. I stuck my tongue and so did he. "Wah, you guys are like a cute couple!~" Jin said. "Ani!" We both shouted at the same time. I started blushing.


"Bye guys!" I said as I walked into the building. The waved and went into theirs. I smiled. Today was great.

"I'm home!" I shouted. "Where were you?" Unnie asked. "With them" I said. She nodded. "Oh, Baek Hyun called earlier on!" She shouted as I was halfway in my room. "What?!" I shouted. "Where? When?" I asked. She giggled. "Call him back tomorrow, arasso? Don't disturb his sleep because he has a tight schedule!" She said. I nodded. I went back into my room. After I showered, I sat down on my bed, looking through the pictures in my phone.

"Byun Baek Hyun, I miss you so much..." I said softly and a tear came out. "How I wish you were here..".


Ayoooo!~ Derp derp, Baek Hyun came out of nowhere, didn't he? Short update only because I'm bored and I have flu. And OMONA. Did you see the fan sign pictures of Jimin? Ugh lord, it's perfection. He looks like a little kid. So cute I cannot.

Vote and comment~ Kamsamida~

~ Channie

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