Chapter 41

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- Chan Mi -

"Morning~" Mark greeted me as he entered the classroom. I looked at my watch. It was still early. "Since when do you come to school early?" i asked. He chuckled. "I changed..." he said, looking straight into my eyes. I smiled. " moved here because of?" i asked. "Im in a band. GOT7~" he said happily. I frowned. "Hajima. Quit lying!" i said. "Ani! Im not lying!" he shouted. "Tsk. Fine if you dont believe me, go and search it up!" he added. "Fine." I searched up Mark Tuan to find his group called GOT7. A song called Girls girls girls came up. When i saw him in the music video, i started laughing.

- Jimin -

I wonder if Channie is already in class. I bid goodbye to the hyungs and walked towards my class. As i walk closer to the door, i could people laughing. I took a peek to find Channie and Mark...

"Girls dont love you! And since when can you do this flippy thingy?" Channie shouted in between her laughters.

"Well, you did love me once.." he replied. Channie looked at him. "That's the past.." she replied. My heart started beating faster. He scratched his head. "Haha yeah..." he replied. Channie smiled sadly and ruffled his hair.

I walked into class as if i didnt hear anything. Mark and Channie stood up suddenly. Mark bowed. Channie smiled. "Morning~" they said in unison. "Um, i'll be at my seat.." Mark said and quickly walked away. Channie sat down and rested her head on the table. I gave her a peck on the lips. It startled her but she smiled.

"So, what are you going to do after school today?" i asked her, also resting my head on the table facing her face.

"I dont know. I dont have anything after school."

"Are you going to..."


"To hang out with...Mark?"

She frowned. "Wae?"

"Ani. Just wanted to know.."

She chuckled and poked my cheek. "Why are you jealous?" she asked, giggling.

I pouted. "Because you're hanging out with your ex-boyfriend.."

"Well, we're just friends jagi. Dont worry~" she replied and kissed my cheek. I blushed.

- Mark -

I still liked Chan Mi... i guess i returned a little too late. She's with Jimin now, Mark, let her go. If you love her, let her go...

I felt as if my heart was stabbed hard with a knife when they hold hands or kiss. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Everything is over Mark, you cant call her yours anymore..






After school, i saw Chan Mi walking home looking bored.

"Chan Mi!" i shouted. She turned around. "Do you want to hang ouo and meet my friends?" i asked and put my hands into my pocket. She smiled. "Sure!" she said happily. My stomach still gets butterflies whenever she smiles..

- Chan Mi -

"Where are we meeting them?" i asked him.

"At the mall. The foodplace~" he replied. I nodded slowly.



"Guys~ This is Chan Mi~ She'll be joining us!" he said happily. I smiled and waved. They were all so goodlooking T.T Mark introduced me to each and everyone of them.

"And this is Jackson." He said. I smiled and he returned it. He looked so good but Jimin is way better x)

"How do you know Mark?" Jaebum asked me.

"Im his um...ex-girlfriend.." i said.

They frowned. "You? And him?" Bambam asked in disbelief. "Yah!" Mark shouted. I giggled. "Yeah" i said and nodded. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Jackson asked. "Yeah. His name's Jimin~" i said happily. They chuckled. "Ppali! Both of you start eating now!" Youngjae said. We nodded and ate.




It was entertaining watching them practicing. I would laugh really loud because Mark would sometimes fail doing that flip. Its bad, but it cant be helped. It was finally time for all of them to go back to their dorm.

"Eish, gwenchana! I can go home by myself!" i protested. Mark shook his head. "Ani. Im going to accompany you. I dont care~" he said and pulled my wrists. I rolled my eyes. "Fine, whatever!" i shouted. I bid goodbye to everyone and ran to Mark who was way ahead of me.

"Yah! You said youre sending me home. Why are you even walking without me?!" i shouted. He chuckled and put an arm over me. When you put me and Mark together...we would be the noisiest people on earth. It was around 9 o'clock? And we were shouting and laughing out loud.

"Eish. Hajima!" I whined. Mark kept teasing me. -_- He chuckled. "Okay, okay! ill see you tomorrow~" He said and hugged me. I hugged him back, embracing his warmth. It has been a long time since ive hugged Mark. It felt good. He smiled and waved. I waved and waited for him to disappear out of my sight. As soon as he was gone, i walked in the building.

"Im home!" i shouted. I frowned. I dont think unnie's at home. There was a note stuck on the fridge.

'I'll be home late! Dont stay up too late! You have school tomorrow so please go to bed early, okay? Love you xx'

I chuckled. Fine unnie fine. I'll go to bed early. I took a shower and changed into my sweatpants and the hoodie i shared with Jimin. No matter how hard i try to go to sleep, i just couldnt sleep. Its annoying. I felt tired but i cant sleep. Do you feel me? I decided to text Jimin.

Me: Hey jagi~ Are you awake?

Within seconds, he replied. J: Heeey~ Yep. Why are you not asleep?

Me: I dont know. Somethings wrong with my body-clock i guess. Wait, why are you not asleep?

J: Im still at the studio. Late night practice with Hoseok hyung

Me: Eish. Go back home! You need sleep!

J: Can i come over? Jebal!

Me: Yeah sure~

After soon, i went out of my room to go to the toilet. There was a knock on the door. "Jagi~" Jimin squealed. I chuckled and we hugged tightly. He held my hand and we went into my room. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Sleep tight~" he whispered. I smiled. "You too~" i said and he kissed me goodnight.



Comment and vote! Kamsamida ^_^

~ Channie

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