Chapter 30

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- Jimin -

My heart was beating faster than ever, maybe because I was nervous? Or maybe because she looked so beautiful. She was trying not to smile and so she looked down when I said I wanted to be hers. I pulled her chin up to see her blushing furiously.

"Hey, look at me."


"I'm your boyfriend now, so I can do this."


I slowly leaned in and gave her soft yet passionate kiss. She was shocked at first but soon, she kissed back. I could see her forming a smile as we kissed.

"Saranghae Channie~" I said causing her to smile widely. We walked back to the table causing everyone one of them to look at us. Bomi and Tiffany looked at us with a smirk. "Any good news?" Bomi asked with a wink. Everyone kept quiet and looked. "We're togetherrrr~~" I said and smiled. They gasped and kept quiet when suddenly Jungkook shouted, "Wah, daebak hyung!~ Take care of her~". I chuckled. Soon, everyone started doing the same. "Take care of her well. If you make her cry, I will slaughter you. Hehe, just kidding~ but seriously if you ever make her feel sad, I will get you" Baekhyun hyung said. "Tch, Oppa! Hajima!" Channie said and giggled.

- Chan Mi -

Lord, my heart is beating a little too fast ever since the kiss. I smiled to myself as I touched my lips. I can't believe Jimin is my boyfriend... :3

"Wae are you touching your lips? You liked the kiss, right?" Jimin asked with a wink. I glared at him. He leaned in and whispered, "I can always do it again..". It sent chills down my spine. "Pft." And I hit him. "Ah appo!" He shouted. I smirked and laughed.

After soon, everyone started to head home, with their dates sending home. "Jagi~ I'll send you home~~" Jimin said. Jagi? Omo x) It made my heart flutter. I smiled, "Arrasso. Where's the rest anyways?". He shrugged and just walked with me.

As we walked home, I could feel his hand slowly slipping into mine. I smiled to myself. "Yah. If you want to hold my hand, just hold it. I'm yours~" I said and winked making him blush. He slipped his fingers in between mine.

"Goodnight jagi~" he said when we reached outside the building. I smiled and kissed him. "Goodnight~" I said and waved. He stood there speechless but I could tell he enjoyed it. x)

"I'm home!"

"Waaaah! You finally kissed a boy~"

"Tch. Why were you even looking -_-"

"Because I'm your unnie and I want to know what you guys do."

"Unnieeeee! :<"

She giggled and just pat my head. "You did a great job today and I'm extremely proud of you. If only eomma was here watching" she said softly. I smiled and hugged her. "Saranghae" I said and she kissed my forehead. I went into my room, took a warm shower and laid down on my bed. Suddenly, my phone beeped.

"I love you." Jimin texted. And with that, I slowly fall asleep with a happy feeling.


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~ Channie

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