Chapter 26

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- Taehyung -

Ah shit. What did i just say?! I shouldnt have said that, gah.

"Im just kidding~" i said. She rolled her eyes and hit me. "Ah appo!" i shouted. She laughed. "That's what you get from teasing me" she said. I chuckled. "Come on, let's go back upstairs. I'll tuck you in and i'll go back home" i said. She smiled and nodded. "Arrasso."



I sat there and looked at her as she slept peacefully. I straightened her bangs and she moved alittle. "Goodbye Chan Mi" i said and kissed her forehead. I smiled and carefully closed the door. I went back home and got 4 hours of sleep. Im screwed for tomorrow -_-

- Chan Mi -

I woke up thinking about that kiss. Hmmm. Its brotherly love i guess. Kind of. I touched my forehead and smiled. Heh. I showered and ate my breakfast.

"Unnie? When are you and Hoseok are going to get together?! You guys are so cuuuuteeee!" i said as i ate my food. She chuckled. "First of all, he's older than you. Call him Hoseok oppa, arrasso? And secondly, i wont get together with him" she said as she washed the dishes. I pouted. "Well, im sure you guys will get together" i said. She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Run along or you'll be late for school" she said. I smiled and nodded. "Annyeong unnie~" i said and hugged her. I quickly put on my shoes and my coat. Its really cold these few days.

I put on my headphones as i walked to school. And then, i saw Jimin and Muwon. They were holding hands and walking together. I smiled sadly. I should be happy for him i guess. 

I swear, they took their own time walking to school. "Uhum"  i said and squeezed through the pavement, "Excuse me." I turned around and took a small glance. I bowed and walked faster. Jimin looked happy. I sighed loudly and went to the studio.

"Annyeong!" Tiffany said happily. I smiled and waved. "Hey~ Today is our full-dress rehearsal. We need to change into these outfits" Bomi said. I pouted. "Boo, i hate wearing skirts" i said. She glared at me. "Its just a pair of suspenders!" She said. I grinned. "But still~".

I had to wear a crop top with the suspenders. -_- . And i had to put on a black hat. "Must i?!" i whined to instructer. "Fine, you can wear a snapback" she said. "Jinja? Komawo~" i said. I ruffled my bangs a little so that it looks better when i put the snapback on. "There" i said to myself. I admit, i look prettier in a way.

"Waaaah!" They said. Bomi nodded her head in satisfaction. "Perfect" she said. I glared at her. She giggled. 




- Jimin -

Am i really happy with Muwon? That question keeps popping in my mind. Im so frustrated. Do i like Channie, still? Ugh. Muwon is nice but i dont think i feel the same as i used too.

"Oppa~ What time are you going to fetch me tomorrow?" Muwon asked as she clinged onto me. I shrugged. "8?" i asked. "Arrasso" she said. 

I like Muwon but i dont think the guys like her from what they said yesterday. They kept asking me if i really liked her. -_- Annoying much.

- Chan Mi -

After a long day at school, i decided to go home and just rest. I was so sleepy. Bomi and Tiffany went home first so i was the only one left in the studio. Suddenly, Jimin came in. He smiled and waved.

"Channieee~~ I miss hanging out with you."

"Me too. I guess your time is taken up by Muwon."

"Tch. I know its only been a week or so, me dating her, but i feel as if i dont like her anymore.."

"And so, you dont like her? The same way you used to?"

"Ne. I guess the girl that im guessing i like has my heart when we met.."

"Well, that girl is lucky.."

"Heh. Channie! Wanna see my dance?" 

"Yes please~"

And with that, he danced his break dance that was suppose to be with Hoseok oppa and Jungkook. After he ended his dance, a slow song came up. He looked at me and grinned. "Will you?" he asked as he held out his hand. I giggle and nodded. We danced slowly, following to the beat. It probably was suppose to be for the dance. He held my waist and i put both my arms around his neck. We stared into each others eyes. "Jagi?" Muwon said. We quickly let go of each other. "Uh hey. Why are you still here?" he asked. She smiled and glared at me. "I have things to do. Kaja" she said. She pulled him away before he could say anything. Heh, control freak. I smiled and waved at Jimin and he returned it. Muwon was pissed and she pulled him away. Psh.




After i got home, i took a long bath and came out wearing my onsie (spelling is wrong, sorry!) that Baekhyun got me. I smiled when i thought about when the both of us cuddled and sat by the fire-place. When suddenly, someone rang the doorbell. I groaned because i was just about to cover myself with my blanket. I swear its so freaking cold here. "Ugh coming!" i shouted. 

I opened the door and to my surprise, BaekHyun and Jongin with two other guys were standing there. Baek Hyun looked at me and smiled. "Baekhyunnie!" i shouted and pulled him into a hug. Tears started to form and before i know it, i was crying.


Oh my god. Crappy ass chapter. Sorry! 

TRB IN SINGAPORE IS A FEW MORE DAYS OH MY GOSH. CAN I JUST ;;-;; I would go to the fan-meet but i will be overseas :-((( Boo. There goes my chance meeting them.

Anyways, like i said, ive made a new fan-fiction, a Taehyun fan-fiction. Please do read it! Thank you! Please vote and comment your opinions~ Kamsamida ^_^

~ Channie

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