Chapter 1

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Jemma's pov

Beep, Beep, Beep.

Ugh, I roll over and slam my hand on that horrible contraption the devil invented to torment peaceful sleepers! I looked at the clock and groan, damn I only got to bed an hour ago. This is gonna be a kick ass first day of school!

I had 30 minutes to get ready for school. I jump up and shag ass getting showered, dressed and made up. My iphone buzzes letting me know I have a text.

U betta b on ur way here u sexy beeeyotch!! xxx Tina

yea yea keep ur thong on! be there in 5 xoxo Jems

I run out the room yelling at my little sister if she wanted a ride she had 2 seconds to get her cute little butt out here. We don't bother saying anything to our parents on the way out. What's the point, the only time we actually talk is in public when we have to pretend to be the perfect family.

We pull up to my bff's apartment and I barely put it in park before she's in the car.

"Excited are we baby-cake?" I ask laughing as Tina bounces around in her seat.

"Hells yeah baby-doll! We're Seniors, Just this year then we can get the hell outta there!" She says while turning around and looking at Jennifer (little sis)

"So Jen-Jen excited for your first day of freshman year? Finally you'll be able to hang with us in school!" I cheer with exaggerated pep.

"Hmm I think I'm gonna pass on that, I love you guys but you two are way too crazy and if I hang with y'all I'll be pulled into your schemes!!" Jen replied with an eye roll.

I chuckle at this "Hey, what schemes? And missy I'll have ya know we hardly ever get into trouble. Everyone loves us. We pep this place up!!" I retort as I pull into my parking spot.

We jump out of my Montero and head into the office as the bell rings. We grab our class lists and Jen heads off. Me and Tina head to first period.

Mrs Green looks up giving us a cranky glare. "Seriously ladies, do you think this is the best way to start off the new school year?" She demands with her hands on her hips and nose in the air.

I roll my eyes at her and say "Sorry miss, it wasn't my fault. Something came up!"

She sighed "What was so important you couldn't make it on time?" She snapped and tapped her foot impatiently to emphasize her point.

"Well me and Tina were making out and her hands went to my no-no place and well then-" She cut me off "Enough, just take a seat!" She screeched.

Let me take a second to catch you up on things while I zone out in this point less class. My name is Jemma James and I'm just a few months shy of being 18. I have insomnia, some times I'm lucky to get a grand total of maybe 6 hours of sleep a week. Other times I have no problem getting an average of 4 hours a night. Doctors think its stress and PTSD induced insomnia. Ha if they only knew how right they were.

I have the greatest little sister Jen-Jen and the cutest little brother Justin. None of us are very close to our parents. They basically ignore us unless we're being dragged to one of their work functions.

I'm the girl that talks to everyone but has a group of about 6 that I'm closest to. We're all crazy and pull stunts at school but at the end of the day, 9 times out of 10 we don't get in trouble. Most of the faculty love me with the exception of a few, Mrs Green is one of the exceptions.

Oh and me and Tina aren't really girlfriends but we're always together and we even bribed the counselor to give us the exact same schedule. So since there's always rumors about us and no amount of denying it makes a difference we just go with it and have a laugh.

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