Chapter 29

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Jemma's Pov:

The limo dropped us off around midnight. Michael fell asleep as we cuddled in bed watching tv. 

I glanced at the clock. It's a little after three and I still cant sleep I was wired from our classroom tryst. 

I groaned and threw the blankets back. It's been heavily storming for the last hour. 

I love the rain.

I walked around picking up our room. I looked back at the clock, 7 minutes passed.

 I walked to the kitchen to see if we had any ice cream. Mmm some Chunky Monkey would be really good right now. 

I opened the freezer. Damn no ice cream.

Ehh Wal-mart is open all night. I'll just pop over and get some. It'll just take a few minutes, plus I'll get to be in the rain. I love stormy weather. 

Then I can eat my ice cream in peace then hopefully crash out and sleep to the sound of the crashing thunder and pitter patter of the rain.

I ran to the store trying to get out of the down pour. I may love the rain but I didn't want to get sick from being soaked in this cold weather. 

I felt my flip flops lose traction and I began to slide. I managed a startled scream as my body slammed full force face down on the wet pavement. Hitting my head on the one of the cement poles then slamming my torso onto the wet ground by the entrance of the store.


 A worker that was mopping the entrance ran to me. "Miss are you okay?"

My mind was fogging and I felt sluggish. A sharp pain ripped through my head and my abdomen cramped hard. The worker rolled me over and pulled out his phone. I could feel myself losing focus. I grabbed his hand.

My vision blurred and and my stomach tightened I wanted to puke. It didnt even faze me that the rain was coming down harder, my face hurt so much I couldnt even feel the rain pelting me anymore.

"Please call my husband. It's Mike on my phone." I panted. My head was killing me. The last thing I noticed was the guy's hand had blood on it. 


Michael's Pov:

I stretched my arm out and felt around. All I touched was cool sheet, not Jemma. I cracked my eyes open and looked around. Maybe she got up to pee. I laid back down and was about to doze off again when my phone started blaring Jem's ring tone.

I snatched the phone up and laughed. "Love, are you calling me from the bathroom to complain there's no toilet paper. I'll get-"

"Sir" The male voice interrupted me.

I pulled the phone back and looked at the screen. Call connected to Jemma and her picture showed on the screen.

"Who are you and why do you have my wife's phone?" I demanded already getting out of bed as a feeling of dread settled in my stomach.

A throat cleared. "Sir I'm with your wife. The ambulance just pulled up and they're gonna take her to the hospital. She asked me to call you before she passed out."

I felt my heart stop. "What... what happened? Is she okay?" I held my breath as he answered. Fear like I've never experienced flared through me.

"She was running into the store and fell. She hit pretty hard and there was a lot of blood on her head and um on her thighs. She mumbled something about pain and losing the baby just before she lost consciousness. I.. I'm so sorry"

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