Chapter 22

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Jemma's Pov:

Donald and Jane were there. 

"Hey guys, what's poppin?" I asked flinging my backpack on Michael's desk and sitting down on the top of one in the front row.

Michael cracked a little smile at me and I smiled back.

Donald waved his hands in front of my face to catch my attention. Everyone laughed and Jane made a comment on how we were so cute together. 

I turned my head to fully look at Donald. "You have my full attention Detective Ducky what can I do for you this fine afternoon" I drawled with a cheesy Texas twang accent. 

Jane busted out laughing and Donald grumbled.

"I don't get it" Robby pop said looking at the two officers and me.

I laughed at Donald's pained look. "Years ago when Donald was just a rookie on his first day he was trying to look all tough and cop-ish. I happened to be up at the department and saw him walking down one of the back halls." I giggled again at the memory then continued.

"He was so loaded down with every piece of gear law enforcement has that he ended up waddling a little. He stopped and talked to me and when I learned his name was Donald I dubbed him Ducky. Ya know as in Donald Duck."

There was a few snickers and Donald spoke over them. "We just dropped by to inform you that the web site was taken down the day we told you about it. Plus there seemed to be a virus that came from the site. The Tech guys got up in arms about a little message that popped up on their screens right before they crashed. You don't happen to know anything about that?"

I laughed picturing a bunch of nerdy guys at the Sheriff's Department getting all pissed about the virus and tag. "Donald do you want the truth or the fuzzy truth?"

He shook his head laughing and Jane smiled. "Sweetie how bout you tell us the version of fuzzy truth that keeps you and your fiance out of trouble. Congrats by the way. Your daddy just told us about it." Jane smiled even wider and I began to wonder if she liked Danny.

"Fuzzy truth it is then. I didn't do that and neither did Michael. I'm technologically challenged and Sex-Nip isn't into geeky stuff.... Well besides calculus."

Michael rolled his eyes and Donald chocked. "Sex-Nip?"

I giggled "Oh sorry I meant Michael."

"Yeah that's our cue to leave. We'll keep you updated about the case. Jemmy bear" They both hugged me and left.

Tina raised her brow. "Jemmy bear?"

I shrugged. "Yeah like Gummy bear. What can I say, Ducky just isn't as clever as I am." I joked.

Michael clapped his hands together. "Let's get outta here and go grab a pizza or something."

Robby high fived Tina "Dude I think I love your detentions." He told Michael.

I rolled my eyes and Tina chirped "Nahh it's a bromance!"

We ordered pizza and took it back to our place. We ate and talked about wedding stuff. I decided of course that Tina will be my maid of honor and I want Robby Pop as one of my bides maids.

"Jems you know I love you but there is no way in hell you're getting me to wear a dress." Robby whined.

Michael cracked up and Tina shrugged. I leveled a dry look at him.

"I would never make you wear a dress. You'd be a freaking ugly chick! You'd wear a tux like Mike only you'd stand next to Tina. Dumb ass!"

He blushed slightly. "Ughh I knew that. I was just ya know... Messing with you."

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