Chapter 19

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Jemma's Pov:

It's been a week since Terri came to my school. She hasn't bothered me since and I'm extremely grateful. It's just been relaxed and peaceful.

 Today Jen, Justin and their dad are coming over for dinner.

Michael hasn't pushed the subject but I thought about everything he said in Sully's office. He's right, I couldn't bare it if I something happened to my siblings. I'm not going to the cops just yet. I'm just going to talk to them about everything.

Ding dong. "I'll get the door Love" Michael called from the kitchen.

I fluffed the couch cushions again even though I already had two minutes ago. I heard them all greet each other and walked over.

"Hey guys I'm glad y'all could make it. Mike made an awesome dinner." I said giving each one a hug. I grabbed Jen and Justin's hand and pulled them into the living room.

 Michael stood talking to Danny. "Yeah I love fishing. I'd love to go out on your boat."

I smiled a small smile at the fact that dad is making an attempt to be friends with Michael. I felt a squeeze on my hand and looked at Justin.

"Jemma what's wrong? You looks like you're about to cry but you're trying to keep it in? Is everything okay with you and Mike? Did he do something? I'll beat him up if he upset you."

I laughed an actual laugh at my 10 year old brother's protective threat.

I gently squeezed back. "No nothing like that. Mike didn't do anything. He makes me incredibly happy"

"Then what's the matter Jems?" Jen asked.

"We'll talk about it after dinner. I'm starved lets eat"

I looked over to Michael "Babe is dinner done I'm starved?" I said with fake cheer.

"Yeah Love, wanna help me bring the food to the table?"

I got up "You guys just seat yourselves and we'll be back with the food in a sec." I followed Michael into the kitchen.

He wrapped me in a warm hug and kissed my cheek. "I know you're upset and this is hard for you but for what it's worth I think you're doing the right thing and I'm so proud of you." He kissed my lips and I leaned my head onto his chest. The steady thump thump of his heart helped calm me.

"I know I just feel bad about springing this on them."

He rubbed my cheek. "Everything is going to be okay Sweetheart. They're tough, just like their big sister. It'll be a shock but in the long run they'll be fine. I promise"

I kissed him quickly and stepped back. "Right let's get this food out before it gets cold."

Half way through dinner and all I could manage was pushing my food around my plate. Michael sent me reassuring smiles but I'd lost my appetite. I know it's the right thing to do but I feel guilty. Like by telling them this, I'm some how taking away the rest of their childhood.

I heard a loud clink and looked up at Danny who had dropped his fork and was eyeballing me in his detective way. "I've held my tongue but something is obviously wrong. I haven't seen you eat a single piece of food and we all now how much you love lasagna. So spill it Jemma bear"

My eyes widened and I looked to my brother and sister who had matching worried looks on their faces.

I sighed. "I was going to wait until you were finished eating but I guess you want answers now." I ran a hand through my hair and shot a quick glance to Michael. He leaned over and wrapped his warm hand around my cold one. I smiled my thanks for his constant support.

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