Bonus Chapter 1-6 Mr Jenkins's Pov:

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Bonus Chapter/ Mr Jenkin's Pov: 

I'm sitting at my desk 15 minutes before my first class begins double checking that everything is ready. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and pull it out to see mom's calling and figure I better answer it or she'll just keep calling then message and then start calling Skip and Karen to see if I'm still alive.

"Hey Mom" I greet leaning back in my chair.

"Hey baby boy how's the new job going?" her voice chirps.

"Come on ma don't call me that and it's okay. I'm waiting for my first class to start. What's up?"

"Nothing son, I'm just checking in on how you're doing. So do you think you'll be coming to visit any time soon? I met this lovely girl the other day at the hair salon and I think y'all would really hit it off."

"Nope." I snap out impatiently popping the P to emphasize the fact that I will not now, nor in the future use my mother's misguided attempts to play match maker.

"Mike you've been out of the army a while now and ya know it's time for you to start-"

I cut her off. I've heard several different versions of this rant since I was 18. That woman is obsessed with me settling down. FML

"Look I appreciate that you're concerned mother. But I'm 22. No where near the age to find the one! Besides I've only been out for 3 months. Before I even think about dating I want to have everything situated. If and when that time comes I'll find my own girl, not one my mama picked up." I say rubbing my head to stem off the headache I know this conversation will eventually lead to.

"Fine, I'm just worried about you. Sometimes I think that your years in the military made you forget the important things in life, ya know like love and family and having fun. You're always so serious, I can't even remember the last time I saw you really smile or genuinely laugh. It's quite distressing you know." she sighed

"Mom I'm fine. You worry too much. Why don't you call Skip. He was telling me about his new girlfriend. Look the bell just rang so I have to go. My class will be here soon. Love ya mom" I sat back and rolled my eyes.

Ha Skip is going to kill me for sicking her on him and a made up girlfriend. Oh well he'll get over it.

I know she's worried and yeah I'll be the first to admit I've changed but any person would if they'd seen and done what I did. Yes all soldiers that get deployed to a red zone witness bad shit. But because I was an interrogator in a special ops unit I happened to see it a little more up close and personal.

I've seen toddlers being used as shields and pack mules with explosives. I've interrogated terrorist that were planning things like blowing up theme parks and hospitals. 

One of the things I realized while there, to the terrorist its not a war of soldier against soldier its a war against anything that breaths. Man, woman or child, military or civilian. None of that mattered to the insurgents.

I've learned from the best CIA agents how to read a person in seconds, how to beat a polygraph and how to survive extreme situations by keeping a cool head.

 I've learned to plan, have contingency plans for predictable and unpredictable or unforeseen outcomes. 

Manipulate bad guys by using any number of top secret techniques. Some legal, others not as civilized as the general population could stomach with good conscience. Thus aren't made public to protect the citizens from the gory details.

I've been captured and endured hell on earth. I've killed and almost been killed. I've watched those I cared deeply for die. Simultaneously feeling the grief of a fallen comrade in arms and a jealousy that he got an easy out while I had months to suffer at the hands of monsters.

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