Chapter 26

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Jemma's Pov:

I spent the rest of my suspension hanging at the house. Except when I went to the dentist to fix my tooth and with Tina to her check up. 

The baby was healthy and she's due a month before me.

I spent most of the time thinking and decided that with the baby on the way it makes more sense for me to graduate early.

Yesterday was my first day back and I talked to Sully about scheduling the exams. I'll take them the day we get out for Christmas break and the results will be in by the end of our first week back after the holidays.

I called all Michael's and my family and invited them to dinner tonight. We're gonna break the big news all at once to everyone.

Tina picked me up today because she wanted to go get her nails done after school before she meets Jessica and Dereck.

 Michael insisted that he had the food covered and I should just relax and get pampered. Which I didn't bother arguing against.

Tina is worried about making a good impression on my in laws and decided she isn't going to tell them about the baby until Skip gets back in a week.

 We haven't told Skip about our baby either. We're gonna surprise him when he comes home.

School passed by as usual. At the end of Michael's class we decided we were gonna ditch the rest of the day and start our Christmas shopping.

We spent about 4 hours at the mall. I got everyone done but Michael. I couldn't figure out what to get him.

We gave up for the day and went to the salon. Tina got her hair trimmed and nails done. I got my nails and toes done. By the time we got back to my apartment everyone was already there.

We made the rounds of greetings and I introduced Tina to Michael's parents. His sister and her husband couldn't make it but sent their love.

We sat down and everyone began to chat. I looked around the table and felt completely overwhelmed by the amount of people that are here and love us.

I glanced at Michael and nodded. He got up and went to go get our wedding box. When he came back I moved up beside him.

He tapped his wine glass and got every ones attention.

"You're all probably wondering why we called y'all here. So I'll cut straight to the point." He looked at me and smiled.

I took over. "As y'all know we went to Vegas last weekend. I asked Michael to marry me and he did."

The table sat in silence then one by one people started firing questions. Michael held up his hand to silence them.

"Yes we're married. No we weren't too drunk to remember and yes we're still planning the other wedding. We just wanted to do one for ourselves but we got plenty of pictures and mugs and caps from Elvis." He answered with a big grin.

He started to pass them out and Pop's, Danny and Dereck all busted out laughing and teasing him about our themed wedding.

"You know it's true love when you agree to get married by a sparkly vampire impersonator." Pops joked.

Michael sat down and pulled me into his lap. He whispered "Now for the baby bomb! I bet my mom is gonna cry and try to kidnap you."

I snickered. "I bet Susan is going to get more excited then your mom." I whispered back.

He ran his hand down my flat stomach and linked his fingers through mine. "Lets see." He sent me a wink and kissed my cheek.

"There's more!" I called out getting every ones attention once again.

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